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Find and personalize the perfect questionnaire template for any project.

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Discover our toolkits, designed to help you leverage feedback in your role or industry.

A man and woman looking at an article on their laptop, and writing information on sticky notes

Explore 400+ expertly written, customizable survey templates. Create and send engaging surveys fast with SurveyMonkey.

Smiling man with glasses using a laptop

New proprietary data on survey trends, the growth in mobile surveys and why it signals new habits, new users, and better ways of collecting data.

Woman reviewing information on her laptop

Forms gather vital info, but sometimes you need to conduct a survey with a file upload option. Here’s how to create a survey with file upload.

We make it easy to create your own survey from scratch and get reliable, standardized answers.

360 degree FeedbackMakeup Products Feedback
Airline Passenger FeedbackManagement Performance
Before They Were Famous SurveyMarket Research—Product Feedback
Brand Awareness SurveyMarket Research—Service Feedback
Bullying SurveyMarket Research Template
Business to Business SurveyMobile Apps Survey
Business Travel FormMovie and TV Viewing Habit Surveys
CAHPS Dental Plan SurveyMovie Viewing Survey
CAHPS Health Plan Survey 4.0Music Listening Survey
CAHPS Survey TemplateNeighborhood Events Survey
CAHPS Visit SurveyNeighborhood Feedback Survey
Child Behaviors SurveyNet Promoter Score Questionnaire Template
Commuting SurveyNon-profit Organization Information Template
Customer Comments FeedbackNPS and Brand Loyalty Survey
Customer Satisfaction SurveyOnline Social Networking Survey
Customer Service FeedbackParent Engagement Survey
Customer Service SurveyParental Support Survey
Department Performance PollPersonal Hygiene Questionnaire
Diet & Exercise SurveyPost-Visit Patient Satisfaction Survey
Do You Have Health Insurance?Pre K-12 Parent Survey Template
Donor FeedbackProfessional Event Feedback
Education Demographics SurveyReal Estate Agent Evaluation
Employee Benefits SurveyRecruitment Satisfaction Survey
Employee Exit SurveyRetail Customer Feedback
Employee Performance Review TemplateRSVP and Contact Information Form
Employment FeedbackSchool Climate Survey
Endurance Event FeedbackSchool Program Fit Questionnaire
Entertainment Event FeedbackEmployee Engagement Template
Environmental Issues PollSkin Care Products Feedback
Event Planning QuestionnaireSmoking Survey
Facebook Profile QuestionnaireSocial Support Survey
Facebook Survey TemplateSoftware Evaluation
Favorite Celebrities PollSupervisor Performance Evaluation
Firmographics SurveyTarget Market Analysis Questionnaire
Fundraising FeedbackTarget Market Demographics Questionnaire
General Event FeedbackTeam Performance Survey
General Internet UsageTV Viewing Survey
HCAHPS Survey TemplateTypical Customer Analysis Survey
Health Insurance EvaluationTypical Customer Demographics Survey
Healthcare Expenses FeedbackUniversity Faculty Satisfaction Survey
Height & Weight SurveyUniversity Instructor Evaluation
High School Sports – Student FeedbackUniversity Student Graduation Form
Hospital Performance EvaluationUniversity Student Satisfaction Survey
Hotel FeedbackUniversity Teaching Assistant Evaluation
Household Budget PollU.S. Demographics Poll
Insurance Customer FeedbackU.S. Demographics – Snapshot Poll
K-12 Parent Survey TemplateU.S. Political Identification Questionnaire
K-12 Teacher FeedbackVacation Travel Feedback
Learning Support FeedbackVeterinarian Office Staff Evaluation
Volunteer FeedbackWebsite Feedback
You in 12 Months Questionnaire