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Discover what customers are listening to and better understand their purchase behaviors.

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Our Music Listening Template allows people in the music industry to collect information on customers’ listening habits and purchase behaviors. Discover how people are listening and what music they currently favor. As listening habits constantly shift, this survey can help you keep one step ahead of the trends. Use this survey to ensure your business has full visibility into the music industry.

A music listening template gives you all the questions you need to easily collect feedback from music listeners, discover their interests, and explore their listening preferences and habits. With full flexibility, you can customize this survey to ask the questions you need, leveraging this template to better understand the industry as a whole.

Our survey template helps those working in the music industry easily evaluate industry-wide listening practices and preferences.

By collecting this data, you’ll be able to understand:

  • What music people prefer to stream.
  • Whether people prefer buying physical or digital copies of albums.
  • Whether people still enjoy going to live concerts.
  • How people’s streaming habits change throughout the year.

Using a music listening survey will help your business gather the insights you need to better serve your audience and stay ahead of music trends.

A music listening template offers your business the most important questions that help you identify consumer music preferences and trends.

Some key questions that you can include in your music-listening survey include:

  1. How often do you purchase music in a digital format?
  2. How often do you purchase music in a physical format?
  1. How often do you stream music online?
  1. How often do you attend concerts?
  1. How likely are you to pay for music content online instead of using a free service?

Leveraging a music listening template, you can discover which of the three forms of listening to music people are currently most engaged in, identify musical trends, and outline how trends in music change over time. You can easily customize the survey to focus on specific areas and get the necessary information.

Get to grips with how the wider industry listens to music and what they’re listening to with our easy-to-use music listening survey template. Get started today with SurveyMonkey.

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