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* 1. How prepared was your TA?

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* 2. How clearly did your TA present material?

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* 3. How much did your TA help you develop critical thinking skills?

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* 4. How helpful was your TA's feedback on assignments?

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* 5. For your level of understanding, were your TA's explanations too complicated, too simple, or about right?

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* 6. How clearly did your TA answer questions?

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* 7. How directly did your TA answer questions?

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* 8. How effectively did your TA lead discussions of course material?

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* 9. How easy did you find it to meet with your TA outside of class?

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* 10. How well did your TA connect sections with the material covered in lectures?

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* 11. How knowledgeable in the course content was your TA?

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* 12. How effectively did your TA ensure that the discussion was kept on track?

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* 13. Overall, how well did your TA teach?

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* 14. Please describe your TA's greatest strengths as a section leader.

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* 15. Please describe your TA's greatest weaknesses as a section leader.

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