Basic Rights: Training on IDEA Workshop Evaluation Form

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* 1. Date of workshop:


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* 3. Workshop Leader/Trainer:

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* 5. I am a...

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* 6. If you are a caregiver of a child with a disability, please tell us the child(ren)'s age(s).

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* 7. If you are the caregiver of a child with a disability, please tell us the child's diagnosis. (check all that apply)

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* 8. How would you rate the training you received from TNSTEP on the following items?
Check one response for each of the three items.

  Very Poor 1 Poor 2 Fair 3 Good 4 Very Good 5
1. Quality of the workshop
2. Relevance of the workshop to your needs
3. Usefulness of the workshop

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* 9. Please rate the quality of the workshop trainer's facilitation of the workshop.
Check one rating for each item.

  Very Poor 1 Poor 2 Fair 3 Good 4 Very Good 5
1. Trainer's communication of content related to workshop topics
2. Trainer's knowledge of content related to workshop topics
3. Trainer's time management skills in covering workshop topics well and addressing all topics
4. Trainer's skill at discovering and answering participant questions
5. Trainer's balancing time for trainer lecture and participant discussion

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* 10. BEFORE this workshop...  Rate your understanding of the following:

  1 None 2 3 4 5 Understood Don't Know
1. Know about special education laws like IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act).
2. Know the special education rights and responsibilities of parents under IDEA.
3. Understand that the law supports high expectations for students with disabilities.
4. Understand how to use TNSTEP materials to inform decisions regarding special education issues.
5. Understand how to prepare for your child's IEP meeting by having ready specific requests for improving his/her education.

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* 11. AFTER this workshop... Rate your understanding of the following:

  1 None 2 3 4 5 Understood Don't Know
1. Know about special education laws like IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act).
2. Know the special education rights and responsibilities of parents under IDEA.
3. Understand that the law supports high expectations for students with disabilities.
4. Understand how to use TNSTEP materials to inform decisions regarding special education issues.
5. Understand how to prepare for your child's IEP meeting by having ready specific requests for improving his/her education.

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* 12. What is one thing you learned in this workshop that you will definitely use? Describe.

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* 13. How can TNSTEP improve this workshop? Explain?

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* 14. What other needs for information, training, or assistance concerning your child's education do you need to receive from TNSTEP? Describe.

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* 15. Check here if the workshop was offered in Spanish.