To the House of Commons, the petition of Croydon residents,

Declares that the Winter Fuel Payment should not be withdrawn from almost all pensioners by being made means-tested; further that the Government's plans would mean 84% of pensioners in poverty will lose the Winter Fuel Payment; further that the Government's plans would withdraw it from pensioners on less than half the minimum wage; and further that pensioners remain worried about and vulnerable to winter energy costs.

The petitioners therefore request that the House of Commons urges the Government to ensure that the Winter Fuel Payment is not withdrawn from almost all pensioners by being made means-tested.

Question Title

* Join me in opposing cuts to vulnerable pensioners in Croydon by adding your name and signing my petition below:

Please share the following link with your friends and neighbours so that as many people as possible can sign the petition to oppose the cuts to vulnerable pensioners.
By signing this petition you agree that Chris Philp MP & the local Conservatives can contact you regarding local issues such as this. They will not give or sell your details to anyone else.