Fort William Historical Park (FWHP) takes the views and opinions of its patrons very seriously. Your suggestions are used to improve our programs and develop products and services. We appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete this survey. All information collected is completely confidential. Thank you for helping us achieve our objective to continually enrich the heritage, entertainment, and educational experiences we offer our visitors.

Question Title

1. Please enter the following information.

Question Title

2. Please rate our customer service using the following scale:

  Excellent/Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Needs Improvement N/A
Sufficient information on program options provided
Ease of reservations process (booking, payment, etc.)

Question Title

3. Please rate the following aspects of your program experience:

  Excellent/Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Needs Improvement N/A
Hands-on activities
Age-appropriateness of program
Curriculum relevance
Ability to hold students’ attention
Adequate staffing levels
Overall program experience

Question Title

4. What activities did the students enjoy?

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5. What were the greatest strengths of this education program?

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6. In what ways could we improve the education program and/or the overall experience?

Question Title

7. How did you find out about this program? (Please check all that apply)

Question Title

8. If you used our website to plan your visit, please rate your experience.

  Excellent/Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Needs Improvement N/A
Ease of finding information
Relevance of information

Question Title

9. What other programs or services would you like to see offered by FWHP?