Exit this survey >> K2C PRE Evaluation Survey 2015-2016 1. Hi! Below we are going to ask you some questions and would like you to answer them as best you can. Your answers will not be shared with anyone (even your teachers and school staff) except the Winning Futures' staff. There are no right or wrong answers and you are not graded or scored on this survey. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. We really appreciate your help! Question Title * 1. Please list your: First Name Last Name Address City/Town State Zip/ Postal Code Home Phone Cell Phone Question Title * 2. Parent/Guardian Contact Information Phone Number: Email Address: Question Title * 3. Which school do you attend? East Detroit High School Lincoln High School Western International High School Consortium College Prep High School Detroit Collegiate Prep at Northwestern High School Mumford High School Question Title * 4. Please indicate your gender: Male Female Other Question Title * 5. When is your birthday? (MM/DD/YYYY) Question Title * 6. Please indicate your grade level: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Question Title * 7. In what year will you graduate high school? 2016 2017 2018 2019 Question Title * 8. What are your plans after high school? Attend a 4-year college/university Attend a trade school or enroll in an apprenticeship Enter the workforce Attend community college Join the military Unsure/Don't Know Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. How prepared do you feel for the next step after high school? Very prepared Somewhat prepared Somewhat unprepared Very unprepared Unsure/Don't Know Question Title * 10. What is the highest overall score you have received on an official ACT or SAT exam? I haven't taken an official exam yet Unsure/Don't Know Fill in the blank with your score: Question Title * 11. What is your cumulative (overall) GPA? 4.0-2.5 2.49-1.5 1.49-0.0 Unsure/Don't Know Question Title * 12. What are types of college-level coursework you have completed? (Check all that apply) Advanced Placement (AP) Course Courses for college credit through community college None Unsure/Don't Know Other (please specify) Question Title * 13. How many campus visits/college tours have you participated in? None 1-2 3-6 More than 6 Question Title * 14. Do you have someone you can talk to about the college application and college enrollment process? (Check all that apply) Yes, a caring adult (a parent, coach, mentor, teacher, etc.) Yes, a friend/sibling currently enrolled in college. No, I do not have someone to provide me guidance on the college process. Unsure/Don't Know Question Title * 15. What types of programs have you participated in that aim at college or career exposure and planning? (Check all that apply) Job Shadowing Summer Internships Resume Building Workshops Competitions Held on College Campuses Mock Interviews Summer Camps on College Campuses None Other (please specify) Question Title * 16. Have you attended training or classes on financial literacy/personal budgeting management? Yes, and I feel comfortable managing my own budget. Yes, but I do not feel comfortable managing my own budget. No, but I plan to attend a training or classes. No, but I feel comfortable managing my own budget. No, and I do not plan to attend a training or classes. Unsure/Don't Know Question Title * 17. How would you describe your awareness of FAFSA and its role in helping you attend college? I know what FAFSA is and I believe it is an important step in getting to college. I know what FAFSA is and do not believe it is an important step in getting to college. I have heard of FAFSA but am not sure what it is or if it can help me attend college. I have not heard of FAFSA. Unsure/Don't Know Question Title * 18. Have you had a conversation with a caring adult aimed at reviewing and comparing your tuition costs and scholarship/financial aid awards? Yes, I have had conversations around the financial gap for my chosen college. No, but I have a meeting scheduled to discuss the financial gap. No, but I plan to schedule a meeting to discuss the financial gap. No, and I do not plan to have a financial gap conversation. Unsure/Don't Know Question Title * 19. What is the specific career that you want to have? Question Title * 20. What degree/certification do you need for this career? Question Title * 21. Where can you go to school to prepare for this career? Question Title * 22. What is the highest level of education you want to achieve: I don't want to complete high school High school diploma Some college classes Associate Degree (2-3 years full time) Bachelor Degree (4-5 years full time) Master Degree (6-7 years full time) Trade School Doctrate (10 years total) I don't know Question Title * 23. What are three items you might use to fill out your college application? 1. 2. 3. Question Title * 24. In what month do you plan on submitting your FAFSA? Question Title * 25. What is your race/ethnicity? Please select just one. If you are bi-racial, please select other and type in your multiple races into the box below. Black or African American White or Caucasian Middle Eastern (Arab, Chaldean, etc.) Latino/Latina/Hispanic Native American Asian (from India, China, Japan, etc.) or Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian Other/Multiple (please specify) Question Title * 26. Do you get free or reduced lunch at school? Yes No Question Title * 27. Did one or more of your parents/guardians attend college? Yes No I don't know 100% of survey complete. Done >>