Create a quiz online with SurveyMonkey. Whether it's multiple-choice or true/false questions, get instant feedback, track responses, and gather valuable insights with our interactive quiz maker.
Trusted by 260K+ organizations worldwide
Sign up for a free account to get started.
Use one of our pre-written quiz templates or create your own.
Share the quiz with participants and immediately provide scores after the quiz is completed.
With 25 question types, custom themes, and more, SurveyMonkey makes it easy to create custom, professional-looking quizzes in minutes.
Keep quiz takers engaged with custom feedback on individual questions or the entire quiz. Share a congratulatory message for high scores, provide encouraging feedback after a wrong answer, and so much more—all automatically.
Easily auto-score quizzes by marking answer choices as right or wrong, and assigning any score-weighting values. Quiz takers can then see their scores immediately after completing the quiz.
Want to create high-quality, professional-looking quizzes in minutes? SurveyMonkey provides everything you need, including analysis tools that simplify quiz scoring and help you quickly understand your results.
Email results to people who have completed your online quiz, or remind those who haven’t.
Get question-level data to see what was easy or difficult for quiz takers.
Analyze a range of data, including respondents’ scores, ranking, percentiles, and completion times.
Easily make an online quiz that can be taken on any device, anywhere.
Add your branding, display customized feedback on questions, and more.
SurveyMonkey Genius scores your questions, ensuring a perfect quiz every time.
Transform your surveys into quizzes to get a baseline assessment of employees, students, or anyone you want to test. You can make your own quiz in a few steps:
Learn more about creating quizzes by visiting our Help Center.