HR teams streamline how they get feedback from outgoing employees with our online form builder.
Trusted by 260K+ organizations worldwide
Sign up for a free account to get started. Or select a plan to get more out of your forms.
Use our pre-written exit interview template or create your own.
Share your form via email, web link, and more to start getting feedback.
Get started quickly with our expert-designed template, or customize it and make it your own. Choose from 25+ question types to ask the right questions the right way. Dive into areas like management effectiveness or workplace culture to pinpoint where to focus.
Get notified after you receive exit interview survey submissions so you can make sure you’re sharing opportunity areas with the right teams. You can even set up Smart Notifications so that specific categories of feedback are automatically flagged and routed directly to department leaders.
Build custom reports and dashboards, or integrate your survey with popular tools like Google Sheets or Power BI. Easily uncover trends that will help you retain your top performers.