Get smarter about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) to better support your employees.
Trusted by 260K+ organizations worldwide
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Use one of our pre-written survey templates or create your own.
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Building a culture that attracts and retains a talented, diverse workforce starts with asking questions. Expert-written questions and AI-powered guidance help you create your survey with confidence and capture honest feedback.
Measure DEI in pulse surveys, employee engagement surveys, and more to understand the experience across the employee lifecycle. Use advanced anonymity features to segment responses by custom data—like gender or department—while excluding personal information like employee name.
Spot opportunities and build a data-driven strategy to improve DEI at your organization. Easily create custom reports and dashboards to build visibility and inspire action. Analyze open-ended text to uncover the “why” behind your data faster.
“What SurveyMonkey really helps us figure out is how different people feel included and what their experience in our organization looks like. Using pulse surveys, we're able to measure exactly how different groups experience their work and their roles here.”
Erin Dangerfield, Senior Vice President of People and Culture at Golden State Warriors
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