What Orthodox Christians in the USA Want from Their Bishops
This article presents the analysis of responses to the survey question, “If you could request JUST ONE THING from the Bishops to improve the life of your parish or the Orthodox Church in the United States in general, what would that be?” About 1,100 Orthodox Christian parishioners responded to this questions. Study participants represented four U.S. Orthodox Christian Churches: Antiochian Archdiocese, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese, Orthodox Church in America, Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
The article addresses four urgent questions:
- What are the overall feelings and sentiments (positive, negative) of American Orthodox Church members toward their Bishops?
- What are parishioners’ main reasons for having either positive or negative sentiments toward their Bishops?
- From the perspective of parishioners, what changes in Church life should Bishops initiate and uphold?
- What are the greatest concerns of parishioners regarding the life of the Church?
To download article, click HERE
The “New Traditional” in a Most Traditional Church: How the Pandemic Has Reshaped American Orthodox Christian Churches.
What Do Lay People Think about It?
This is the second report from an ongoing study examining the lasting consequences of the pandemic for Orthodox Christian Churches in the USA. Its core question is: how has the pandemic transformed the Orthodox Church which many think of as “the original ancient Christian Church that never changes”? Based on an April, 2022, national survey of Orthodox Christian lay church members, the report addresses this question from a variety of perspectives.
Each chapter can be read separately depending on the particular interests of the readers. Among the major subjects discussed:
- Possible future of the “online mode” in the lives of American Orthodox Christian parishes
- Changes in members’ involvement in the parishes, their personal faith, and attitudes towards the Church.
- Decline in participation in religious education for children and teenagers
- Most common scenarios of upsurge and downfall in parish communities during the past two years
- Greatest post-pandemic needs of the parishes and their major fears for the future
- Changes in overall parish vitality and distinctive features of congregations which experienced a surge in vitality throughout the pandemic
- Three different paths to powerful growth in congregational vitality despite, or even because of, the pandemic
To download executive summary (4 pages), click HERE
To download major findings and conclusions (10 pages), click HERE
To download full report (110 pages), click HERE
The “New Traditional” in a Most Traditional Church: How the Pandemic Has Reshaped American Orthodox Christian Churches. What Do Clergy Think about It?
How has the pandemic transformed the Orthodox Church, the original Christian Church that “never changes?” Based on the national survey of the Orthodox Christian parish clergy conducted January 24 – February 10, 2022, the report answers this question. It examines both overall impact of the pandemic and the possible long-term consequences for American Orthodox Christian parishes. The report also discusses “mysteriously” strong growth in vitality that some congregations (12% of all American Orthodox parishes) experienced despite and even because of the pandemic.
Each chapter can be read separately depending on the particular interests of the readers. Among many subjects which are discussed:
- The positives and negatives of switching to an “online mode” for church services, religious education and other ministries
- Changes in membership, worship attendance, and involvement in religious education. The reasons for growth in some parishes against the backdrop of a general decline
- Church closures and mortality rates among members
- Internal conflicts within parishes and their disagreements with ruling bishops because of pandemic-related decisions
- Changes in parish vitality. Distinctive features of the 12% of parishes manifesting strong growth in vitality throughout the pandemic
- Greatest achievements of the parishes during the pandemic and their major fears for the future
To download the report, click HERE
To download executive summary, click HERE
Ten Questions and Answers about the Pandemic’s Impact on American Orthodox Christian Parishes
The COVID-19 pandemic will have many lasting consequences for all American religious congregations and for Orthodox Christian parishes in particular. Even if the disease no longer poses a threat, it will still leave some indelible imprints on Orthodox Church life in America. This short report addresses the questions arising from the changes and adaptations in American Orthodox Christian Churches triggered by the pandemic.
The report presents selected results of the survey of US Orthodox Christian parish clergy conducted July 1-15, 2021. Among many questions which are discussed:
- How strong was the impact of the pandemic on members and clergy personal wellbeing?
- Did the pandemic change the level of involvement of members in their parishes?
- Which areas of church life were affected most strongly and negatively by the pandemic?
- Did parishes make an effort to educate their members about COVID-19 and encourage them to get vaccinated?
- How do parishes envision their future in the light of their experiences of the pandemic?
- What were successful adaptations made by parishes in response to the pandemic?
To download the report, click HERE
Holy Communion during the Pandemic in American Orthodox Christian Parishes
The spread of COVID-19 pandemic has made many church members apprehensive about the use of the common spoon and chalice as the traditional method of receiving Holy Communion. Consequently, some American Orthodox jurisdictions, dioceses, and parishes have introduced various changes in administering the Eucharist, while the other refrained from any adaptations. This report addresses many questions arising from the changes and innovations in offering Holy Communion through the eyes of Orthodox parish clergy.
609 Orthodox priests representing all American Orthodox jurisdictions and from all parts of the country participated in this study during July 21-30, 2020. Among the questions discussed in this report are:
- How pandemic affected participation of parishioners in the Sacrament of Holy Communion
- New practices of administering Holy Communion in various American Orthodox jurisdictions
- Personal ideas of the priests about possible new ways of administering this Sacrament
- How parishes distribute Holy Communion to parishioners who cannot attend worship services
- Clergy’s (very different!) opinions about what is and is not acceptable with regard to various methods of offering Holy Communion
To download the report, click HERE
To download executive summary, click HERE
The Pandemic and American Orthodox Christian Parishes” (phase 2 study)
This report examines the sweeping changes in American Orthodox parish life that were triggered by the Coronavirus pandemic. 234 parishes representing seven Orthodox Church jurisdictions and from all parts of the country participated in the study during May 4-9, 2020.
Among the questions addressed in this report are:
- How parishes are adjusting their liturgical services to the new circumstances
- New ways of offering Sacraments and, especially, administering Holy Communion
- How parish priests describe their physical, spiritual and emotional well-being, major needs, and sources of support
- Changes in parish finances caused by the pandemic
- Problem of “digitally disconnected” parishioners
- New practices and creative strategies developed by parishes which help them through this crisis
To download the report and executive summary, click HERE
To download questionnaire used in the study, click HERE
On the Eve of Easter 2020: Coronavirus and US Orthodox Christian Parishes (phase 1 study)
This short report reflects the initial findings from the pilot-study (phase 1) “The Pandemic and American Orthodox Christian Parishes.” The report is based on a survey of parish clergy representing eight Orthodox jurisdictions who completed questionnaires during April 6-13, 2020.
Among the questions addressed in this report are:
- How have parishes adjusted their liturgical services and small group ministries to the new circumstances?
- What help is most needed by parish clergy?
- What is the financial impact of the pandemic on Orthodox parishes?
- Which parishes handle the new circumstances better than others?
To download the report, click HERE
You can listen to the call-in talk show on Ancient Faith Radio discussing this report (recorded on April 30, 2020)
To listen to the show, click HERE