Used 634,000+ times
Use this template to learn how to keep your customers happy and turn them into advocates for your business.
If you want your business to grow, it’s critical that you keep your existing customers happy. To do so, you’ll need to measure and understand customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is defined as a client’s overall level of satisfaction from using your product or service.
Our expert-written customer satisfaction template was written by experts to help you get started. From convenience to professionalism, customer satisfaction surveys let you effectively gauge customer satisfaction and build a stronger business strategy.
Did your customers find what they were looking for? Are they satisfied? Are you asking the right questions? Our template can help you find and select customer satisfaction survey questions that solicit actionable feedback you can turn into meaningful customer loyalty.
Our template gives you questions that will help you quickly survey users, so you can discover bugs or confusing features, understand why customers aren’t checking out or upgrading, or improve your gaming experiences.
Understanding your clients and meeting customer expectations will help you offer better products and services day in and day out. How do you compare to competitors? Do customers feel like you offer value and quality? Would they recommend you to someone else?
Our customer satisfaction template can help you answer these questions and ensure that you're delivering a valuable customer experience. You can also customize our templates and add questions if there’s a part of the customer experience you want to explore more fully.
To create an online survey using the Customer Satisfaction survey template, just sign up or sign in to SurveyMonkey. You’ll be able to choose the template when you begin creating a survey.
We have so many powerful features to help you launch surveys quickly, but here are our most popular ones for new users.
Out-of-the-box themes, accessible color palettes, custom fonts, branding, and more.
Collect survey responses via email, website, SMS, social media, QR codes, offline, and more.
Automatic results summaries, filters, custom dashboards, crosstab reports, text analysis, & more.
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