Community Survey for the
2021 Draft Comprehensive Strategic Plan
to Address Homelessness
The following is a summary of the responses received during the public engagement period for the Comprehensive Strategic Plan to Address Homelessness
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Please select the description below that best describes you:

  • Answered: 36
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Garden Grove
Garden Grove
business owner
or work in...
with a
with a local
non-profit o...
None of the
above, but
interested t...
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Pages 2-5 of the Draft CSPAH provide a comprehensive overview of homelessness in Garden Grove and describe in detail the purpose of the plan as a whole.

  • Answered: 34
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Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagree
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Pages 6-7 of the Draft CSPAH provide a summary of the various funding sources being utilized to address homelessness in Garden Grove. The summary is comprehensive and does an excellent job of identifying the sources and uses of funding allocated toward providing services to the homeless and those at-risk of becoming homeless.

  • Answered: 35
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Pages 8-15 of the Draft CSPAH provide an overview of the seven (7) main categories of actions currently being implemented by the City to address homelessness. The seven categories (below) are exhaustive and no further actions need to be taken. Community Outreach and Engagement; Coordinated Entry System (CES) & Homeless Management Information System (HMIS); Street Outreach and Engagement; Homelessness Prevention Programs and Activities; Affordable Housing Production; Housing Rehabilitation Programs; and Workforce Development.

  • Answered: 35
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Pages 21-27 of the Draft CSPAH provide an overview of the five (5) goals and associated strategic actions the City intends to implement to address homelessness. The five goals (below) are exhaustive and no additional goals are needed. Develop community engagement efforts regarding homelessness, and raise awareness about available resources and best practices; Expand homelessness prevention efforts; Enhance data tracking and homeless outreach activities among City staff and service providers; Explore emergency housing options; and Increase access to affordable and supportive housing.

  • Answered: 36
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Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagree
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In my opinion, the most important issue(s) regarding homelessness in Garden Grove is/are:

  • Answered: 37
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Loitering in
front of
businesses, ...
Lack of
housing, rental
Lack of mental
health services
The need for
an emergency
Other (please
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The key(s) to ending homelessness in Garden Grove is/are:

  • Answered: 37
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Mental Health
Other (please
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In June 2021, the City will be hosting a community forum regarding homelessness in Garden Grove. During the forum, City staff and non-profit service providers will be answering the most frequently asked questions surrounding homelessness. The question I have regarding homelessness in Garden Grove is:

  • Answered: 30
  • Skipped: 7
  • Question 11
  • Recently there have been news reports of homeless individuals attacking people randomly with knives or other weapons. Do you think allowing people to remain homeless, if they refuse help, contributes to that threat to public safety
  • How can church's help partner with what the City is doing?
  • Can the police move homeless individuals away from traffic flow areas (medians, freeway offramps) in interest of public safety? This is dangerous as it impedes traffic.
  • How can we redirect the homeless that prefer that lifestyle? There are many.
  • how to deal with the people that want to remain homeless
  • Are there any example cities that are doing a great job dealing with homelessness? If yes, why don't we check out what they are doing right?
  • How can we increase housing development in this City?
  • How soon will substantial amounts of permanent supportive housing units become available (for the residents to move in)?
  • It is not even safe to take my kids to the park? What are your plans to eliminate the homelessness and provide safety for our children? There are homeless people pulling their pants down in front of people, Also, you have recovery homes that have people that are unstable and this is between two middles schools and a high school.
  • Is the number of homeless in Garden Grove increasing?
  • Will Garden Grove's leaders commit to taking the lead on helping the homeless or will they bow to pressure from West Grove to abandon these people?
  • What can be done to provide more intense street outreach?
  • What are we doing to help them improve as individuals and help them have the desire to improve?
  • What can we do as residents of Garden Grove do to assist with this dilemma?
  • Do we and can we have our police department perform regular routine warrant checks and Megan’s law compliance ( registering as a sex offender)?
  • What is a guesstimate percentage of street/homeless people who do not want housing? Can an abandoned or unused property be set aside for them with some shelter from weather provided?
  • Why are we even allowing it to get to this point. These people need help.
  • You should allow questions to be asked during the forum. 2014 had the lowest total of sheltered/unsheltered. What was different about that year? After 2012, the sheltered/unsheltered dropped - what contributed to the significant reduction. How/why is the gang suppression unite involved in homeless prevention? Page 10 discusses how SRT has made contact with 1,211 homeless residents yet only made 226 referrals to emergency shelter. That is a horrific failure rate. Please expand on what those numbers mean and possible ways of improvement. Also, are there any other accomplishments SRT has? The city spent 3 bullet points rehashing the same thing. Of the people who have received assistance, what percentage have relapsed into homelessness? If no data is available, please explain why.
  • don't forget about the residents who suffer from the activities and crimes by the homeless. How are you going to get better on this issue?
  • Why does every other city have shelters but not garden grove
  • I think many cities in California make it “easy” to be homeless. If it weren’t so easy, homelessness would decrease. What can Garden Grove do to make it not so easy?
  • Is there going to be forced rehabilitation. Like go to jail or go to rehab
  • How will homelessness be kept off of public places, like the park behind GG library (across the street from Grove) and the new Medal of Honor trail? Who is implementing the curfew for the trail? Will there be consequences If a homeless person calls out overnight?
  • Tried first of all to kind to them if you can help out in a way rather it's extra good or couple change here in there it helps and in sure there'll be gracious.i think marking more homeless shelters.
  • How is the Gang Suppression Unit a form of homelessness intervention?
  • They come in our restaurant and sneak in the bathroom and sometimes stay in there for 30 minutes. What are the legal ramifications for the property owner or business owner of one of the ODs?
  • Whybis it so difficult to build actual low cost housing?
  • How can we increase community engagement and support in our programs surrounding homelessness?
  • Why do people become homeless?
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Please include any additional feedback regarding the Draft CSPAH as it relates to addressing homelessness in Garden Grove:

  • Answered: 18
  • Skipped: 19
  • Public safety is everyone's concern. Thank you for targeting the root causes of homeless such as substance abuse and mental health. But more emergency shelters need to be available. So the healing can begin. Allowing them to remain on the street, even if by choice, only exacerbates the problem.
  • This is a great resource to have at our disposal as we all come together for helping the homeless.
  • Can there be more emphasis on existing homeless outreach compared to prevention?
  • N/A
  • I think the plan is comprehensive but someone has to be really motivated to read 33 pages. I also purpose of the document could be expressed more clearly. It reads like a government document and not everyone will understand the terminology. For example, "identifying a framework" is not everyday language.
  • It definitely needs a one pager using more layman terminology. Something you could send out on a flyer even.
  • The CSPAH needs a stronger emphasis for controlling street homeless people. The same homeless people stand on street medians with their signs. They even have a time rotation arrangement amongst themselves, so they can take advantage of drivers stopped for red lights at the median. They have their own economic system and code of behavior amongst themselves.
  • n/a
  • Impressive work is being done and to think a few years ago city council swore there were no homeless in Garden Grove. Actually it was a former mayor. Homeless have always been around. It a a huge issue now
  • It is terrific so much thought has been put into this document and that there is actually a plan to help people without homes.
  • During the forum, allow people to ask questions as they come up.
  • keep trying
  • It is sad seeing people at bus stops sleeping
  • Na
  • I think every city should put a homeless shelter in each city because homeless people are every where and unfutinely it's not going to stop.
  • Good luck with this endeavor! It's a complicated situation for all involved and hopefully our beautiful city can make the right choices in the best way to handle it. Personal responsibility for ones own life should be encouraged and rewarded.
  • I think it's great. Although it is a large document, everything is broken down and simplified to follow the City's plan regarding homelessness.
  • Great plan!

To partner with the City in its fight to end homelessness, please consider joining the Garden Grove Coalition to End Homelessness by visiting

To learn more about what the City of Garden Grove is doing to end homelessness, please visit