the Digital Homeowner Manual survey
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How do you currently hand over property information and documentation to your home purchaser customers? Tick all that apply.

  • Answered: 40
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We don't...
Online porta...
Binder of...
A bespoke...
Our architec...
The main...
We outsource...
Our sales...
We have...
Other (pleas...
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How much does your business spend in $/£ per property on a homeowner manual, per month? Average across 1 year if it's a one off fixed spend.

  • Answered: 40
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0 $/£1 to 9 $/£11 to 50 $/£
Dependent on
Other (please
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How much time do you think is spent compiling this home manual by you or your external party? Per home/unit.

  • Answered: 40
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1 to 9 hours10 to 25 hours26 to 50 hours50+ hours
Other (please
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How do you or your sales agent communicate with your home purchasers? Tick all that apply

  • Answered: 40
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Not sure, ou...
Our website...
Other (pleas...
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How much would you pay for an app, per month, that puts the property information altogether into one digital store? Per home/unit.

  • Answered: 40
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0  $/£1 to 9 $/£10 to 20 $/£21 to 50 $/£
another price.
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If you could wave a magic wand - what wishes would you ask from DadShed to make your life easier/the experience of your home buying customers better?

  • Answered: 33
  • Skipped: 7
  • Good quality and good service
  • I enjoy my professional life the way it is. Not after magic wands
  • Moving to a digital Manuel is the way forward.
  • The ability to keep them updated via a digital platform, so they can log in and see how their property is progressing without needing to speak to anyone on the phone.
  • Better communication
  • Online maintenance requests
  • I’m happy with the part agents
  • Show home without providing a show home
  • not sure
  • A tidier solicitor service
  • I wish sourcing investors was much easier and I wish customers were sometimes able to physically inspect the development prior to putting their deposits down as majority of the developments we work on are in the build process whilst being sold off plan.
  • Every thing neatly paskaged
  • I wish I had a mentor growing up
  • Direct to purchase sales
  • Cost/Value would need to be assessed based on how comprehensive its coverage, how much extra work is required to complete it, and how widely it is accepted in the market, but definitely worth paying for. I would like to receive from the builder a full list of materials and equipment installed with supplier and warranty details, maintenance requirements and schedules, certifications, etc., stored in a secure cloud system that was able to be passed on to the buyer with additional information from my experience (e.g. checklist of things to do/check if the house is unusually cold, hot, damp, etc.) and enhanced with additional information from maintainers (e.g. annual gas safety certificates, etc.) This material must be standardised and certified by suppliers so that it can be accessed and trusted by agents and valuers before sale or refinance.
  • Online portal
  • Quicker turnaround from sale to completion
  • speed and efficiency
  • A digital home buyers manual
  • No snagging!!!
  • Build progress updates to purchases Purchases/solicitors to update on conveyancing for completions Defects once customer moves in (poor process between home owner and developer) Optional upgrades during build construction (small window of opportunity to cross sell/upgrade) Testimonials and satisfaction surveys
  • Better line of communication from all connected parties - the use of a single application (Like a Padoq) where all parties are connected to private self contained platform, secure and used as a live interaction between parties.
  • Organisation - I am organised but as the business grows it’s having mechanisms in place to ease management
  • Remove agents and simplify conveyancing legals and checks.
  • That they are more open and truthful
  • A way of educating customers through marketing
  • early days before our first development
  • A secure, one stop shop for purchasers to access all documentation pertaining to the property they are purchasing - certificates, legal documents, estate agents letters, communication from builders/contractors
  • Qualified leads :)
  • Unsure
  • An automated system that lets customers know exactly what stage their purchase is including alerts via text, email and WhatsApp
  • Competent contractors!
  • Complete the circle - both sets of solicitors, buyer and seller have dialogue together so everybody knows accurately what is going on