SHOPO Maui Chapter Member Survey, Open Ended Responses
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In your own words, please describe any morale issues you think the MPD might have. If you feel there are no morale problems, simply write, "No problems."

  • Answered: 162
  • Skipped: 13
  • “Moral is low. Our Wailuku Patrol schedule is up in the air and looks to be moving to a schedule where the patrol officers will be working more than they are now. There is a movement freeze, officers feel that their opportunity for advancement is minimal to non-existant. There seems to be "concessions" made to a handful of officers/command which gives the same appearance that "some" are favored and others are not. Same issues different administration. At this point I would say, at least 80% chance of running into our new admin outside of work, they will not know who you are.”
  • “Uncertainty and confusion ”
  • “MPD is currently going through changes and for some of us change is scary. Getting us out of our comfort of the same things is hard, yet we complained that we were not cared about before and that change was needed. ”
  • “The new A1 and A2 have been the the root of poor morale issues in our department. They need to be replaced. ”
  • “Having to work 30 years with no high 3 and other benefits people on the old contract get (legislative issue), Utilizing the manpower available (like having 3/12 hour shifts to compensate for the manpower issues), subsidized vehicles like the other counties (in Hawaii) who get compensated for it. Having corporal positions (why should reliable officers be held more accountable, which have to do more work than working with less reliable officers). ”
  • “No communication between admin and officers. Admin asked for a raise 2 months in, while officers don’t have a contract. Specialized have to do more work while patrol is doing less. No incentive for working hard, so why work hard at all. ”
  • “No problems ”
  • “Lack of trust ”
  • “The morale has been undermined for years. To place the blame of low morale on the new administration is simply unjustifiable. That being said, many within the Dept. still feel that the oldboy structure that infested Dept. so pervasively and has left its lingering stench that only time will clean. SHOPO needs to focus on bettering the Dept., providing a voice for the Officers, and spend less time on undermining it. Please give the new administration a chance. Thanks, Hala M. ”
  • “Administration (A1 & A2), implementing unnecessary changes in the Department.”
  • “n/a”
  • “There is low morale because they’re is no hope. Patrol men are grinding away yet civilians are given take home cars and have a louder and more respected voice then the rest of us. There appears to be no plan or unity between the higher ups. The aloha is gone. The family feeling coming to work is gone. ”
  • “No problems ”
  • “No Problems ”
  • “No clear command. Orders get issued then rescinded a day or two later. Command talking directly to officers and not through chain of command creating problems for officers”
  • “Volume of work hours”
  • “I have seen morale in MPD diminish drastically because of the retirements of senior and high ranking officers. Talk and seeing changes the new Chiefs has made throughout the department is causing officers to worry about their position. Chief is doing things not in compliance to the SHOPO contract/bargaining agreement. This is causing a rift in the department. There is also a group of officers that are being “groomed” by the Chief and Deputy Chief causing other officers to feel left out and/or not part of a special group of officers receiving special treatment. ”
  • “No transparency. ”
  • “Since the new chief, feel like there’s a lot of unknowns. I think change is good if it is done so with communication, not only verbally but also written. The action, the change and the words being said should match. ”
  • “Being supportive or empowering the officers when it comes to frivolous complaints from the general public is one. It seems that the department is so afraid of backlash when someone from the general public cries hard enough about concerns or issues that sometimes have little merit, that we go out of our way to appease these people. That is a morale breaker. The officers have enough "real problems" to deal with on a daily basis and they do their jobs well, they don't need any more on their plate. ”
  • “Burnout”
  • “The Chief doesn’t care about the men. He circumvents the the system to accommodate his cronies.”
  • “People are on edge because how the new Chiefs acted when they came in, and how they continue to behave.”
  • “Take care of patrol and the patrolmen. They have been neglected for many years. I believe this admin is finally doing that but the old timers hate it and are starting a civil war within, rather than buying into the new system for the better. ”
  • “Lack of effective communication through the use of channels. Rise in apathetic employees because of uncertainty of their future with mpd. The way and reason why recent mpd personnel has left or retired recently leaves others in the department feeling worried and concerned about the future vision and interests of the department.”
  • “I have never seen moral this low at MPD. A-1 & A2 definitely is the problem. They came here did not go to each Division/Section and see what each does and learn and ask questions. are speaking with the wrong personnel. We lost good commanders and people since they arrived. You can thank the Police Commission for this.”
  • “No transparency ”
  • “Executive staff making changes but not understanding there is a process to follow.”
  • “The Chief of Police and Deputy Chief of Police do not respect our department, employees or our community. Under the Chief I have never seen favoritism this bad. ”
  • “1. Command Staff "mentoring" certain officers/sgts within the department and assisting them with (for example) the upcoming Sergeant position. I personally know some of them who are being "mentored." They knew exactly when the exam was coming out before it was even posted. It is not fair and shows favoritism, thus lowering morale. If this "mentor" program is open to all officers of all ranks, then command staff should post an Ad Order or send an email to all employees so that they can participate in the mentorship program. 2. Allowing certain officers to have permanent schedules. Even if it was just "verbal," and not on paper, it is very easy to prove if you look at the schedule or in Workday. It is not fair and lowers morale. Should all officers turn in their paperwork to quit so that they could get an accommodated schedule? 3. Specialized positions such as vice, juvenile, cru, cpo, and sro should not last longer than 5 years. It decreases morale for officers because there is no upward movement. There is nothing to look forward to if officers sit and stay in a position for 10+ years, thus lowering morale. 4. Re-hiring of retirees. For example, the re-hiring of retired Lt. Winfrey. This directly affects all officers, regardless of rank because it will bottleneck and trickle down, thus lowering morale amongst all officers. An eligible sergeant will no longer be able to apply for a Lt. position because it will be taken away by re-hiring a retiree. The eligible officer will no longer be able to apply for a Sgt. position because the eligible Sgt. will now stay in his/her position. This will directly effect MPD and decrease morale because there will be NO upward movement. What happens when more retirees want to come back?? 5. The re-hiring of retired Lt. Winfrey and allowing her to come back to Molokai district will lower morale within the Molokai district. The Chief and Deputy Chief have still not told district 5 officers/supervisors anything about it and the only information that is being received is through shopo. They have not asked input from district 5 officers/supervisors on how they feel about retired Lt. Winfrey coming back to Molokai. I thought they were about transparency and open communication. Both supervisors and officers (especially permanent) are afraid to speak up because of retaliation from Lt. Winfrey and now feel that since the Chief wants to bring Lt. Winfrey back, there is not point in saying anything because she will be "tight/buddy buddy" with him. The Chief made up his mind with no input from patrol, who have already worked with and for her. Lt. Winfrey holds personal vendettas against officers/supervisors and does not hesitate to reprimand you in front of everyone. She does not go through a "chain of command" to reprimand. For example, her friend was given a parking citation. Her friend then spoke to her via phone, and the next thing you know officers are getting scolded and questioned about why they didn't have their blue flashing lights turned they were issuing a PARKING TICKET. She did not go to their supervisor, she went directly to them and lowered their morale simply because they were doing their job. And now, Lt. Winfrey doesn't have to deal with the officers feeling this way because she doesn't have to work with them all the time. The supervisor (sgt) has to deal with the officers not her. Lt. Winfrey also finagles the schedule to her liking, which she can do and I understand that. However, when you tell officers and supervisors they're not allowed to take off unless they give 5 day notice, but then Lt. Winfrey changes her schedule with one day notice to fit her airport schedule (she also works at Molokai airport) makes no sense. Lt. Winfrey will scold/yell at supervisors for approving officers to take "CTO." She is a very strong believer in no overtime, so that she can win the "Manager of the year Award." If there is an overload on one shift, she will switch your schedule around so you can cover the shift that is short handed. So, let's say you are on 3rd watch. If there are 3 officers on 3rd watch and 1 officer on 2nd watch, she will switch you to 2nd for that day...even if it is the middle of your week. It's almost like having a SWING schedule. Leaders should lead by example. It's very much "Do as I say, not as I do" type of leadership. Lt. Winfrey's daughter was arrested last year and she questioned everything (the PC, why did she get arrested, etc) officers did, even though she was already retired. Makes you wonder why she is returning, aside from being promised Captain. Just wish the Chiefs would have spoken with Molokai supervisors and officers about how we feel on Lt. Winfrey's return. I heard there is also a Lieutenant opening in Hana district. Why does she get to return to Molokai? Knowing that there was no open communication between the Chief and Molokai district about Lt. Winfrey returning, and the fact that she is returning to Molokai really lowers our morale here and she hasn't even started yet. My morale is already starting to lower just typing this out. ”
  • “No problems”
  • “N/a”
  • “Is no clear view in which direction we going. Decisions that don’t make absolutely no sense. A sense of insecurity regarding us. It seems that we are not a priority for the current A1&2. We are treated like we children and that they (A1&2) are better than us. We been accused of corruption, where is it?”
  • “Bringing back retirees to their rank is a bad idea. Further restricts an already limited amount of promotional opportunities.”
  • “Since the current command staff has taken leadership, the morale amongst officers as well as civilian employees have been at an all time low. With the unwarranted movement of officers from specialize units back to patrol, the special treatment of officers and the demoralizing and verbal abuse of both officers and civilian employees are just of the things that the new leadership has done to bring the department to this level. ”
  • “Short staff and having to work extra. Having time at home.”
  • “Not everyone is working as a team, causing diversity within the department. Thus, making the morale very low. ”
  • “The disconnect is real. As we all know, one of the biggest issues is that being short staffed in manpower. The ones who chronically call in sick and abuse that type of leave is my issue. It’s one thing to need it and use it. It’s a whole different thing to not feeling like one wants to work and calls in but is seen out or working other jobs. I can’t fathom how people with less than 5 years have used more sick leave than a person with 20+ years (combined). Fair treatment and accountability is all I’m asking. Fairness goes a long way We are underpaid. Knowing first hand from finding actual numbers and figures from other departments, we are under the par. We appear to have zero support from above. When it becomes a priority for them to fix those issues (retention, pay, retirement benefits) only then will recruitment become highly successful. We can’t recruit anyone with nothing great to offer. The idea that “this is beautiful Maui” is foolish. The cost of living is increasing and the contract has been on hold…meaning there is no guarantee of a raise. Lateral transfers won’t be long term as the realization of high costs and the need to work overtime to survive kicks in. ”
  • “There is a huge morale problem. The morale was low prior to Chief Pelletier and Hank taking over however, it plummeted greatly since their arrival. In my 15 plus years I have never seen so many Officers making moves to either leave the department for other law enforcement careers or to other industries. Whether these Officers actually leave MPD or not is yet to be seen. The fact that our Officers are taking steps and making serious inquiries about leaving speaks volumes. Because the Chiefs failed to talk to our Senior Command staff, senior supervisors and Officers, they have caused unplanned retirements and they are the primary reason the morale is so low at MPD. If Hank or Pelletier really care about MPD and our Officers, they need to greatly alter their current course, stop ignoring (and making excuses for) the fact they have caused the morale issue and apologize to the Officers for the mistakes they have made. Talk to us. Don’t just pop into patrol and specialized units randomly and catch people off guard. ”
  • “Unfair treatment to certain officers”
  • “The new Cheif and Deputy are making changes with concern for the future consequences. ”
  • “Manpower issues”
  • “Preferential treatment to certain employees, unfairness”
  • “Patrol schedule (13 hours x5) Supportive direct supervisors Not enough streamline reporting- Too many supplements means less proactive work”
  • “Morale is exceptionally high. The two new Chiefs are doing an absolutely wonderful job and are so valued and respected by the majority of frontline day to day cops, who put their life on the line. These new Chiefs are a blessing and we are fortunate enough to have them working here at MPD. ”
  • “Getting mixed signals, when A1 spoke to us, he appeared to focus on the PO II, but the Sergeants looked like they were left out.”
  • “There is zero communication between employees and command staff (A1 and A2). I am in a specialized unit and have yet to be formally introduced to the chief and deputy. He has never asked for our individual goals and objectives and does not care. he implements policy, and threatens to implement policy without reason or backing. This gives an "Im in the chief, i can do what i want" perception which does not build trust and brings down morale. I have no idea how he can straight faced say that morale is good or high when he has not even spoke to the majority of the department. He "appoints" people into these unheard of positions without communication and without any kind of explanation and moreso without equal opportunity to others. Again, creating a lot of animosity between Officers and bringing down morale. it is my opinion that pretty all the major decisions that he has made, have negatively effected morale. Except for the "chosen" few of course.”
  • “No problems”
  • “Communication ”
  • “I don’t think it’s just the liberal administration. I believe liberal politicians have deteriorated police work. No one wants to be a police officer when the liability have become greater. On top of working ridiculous shifts such as 5 twelves. Staffing is the number one concern. Our current administration since being in power has had a lack of communication and serious disconnect with its officers. I don’t think suggestion boxes is going to help the situation. ”
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What specific ideas do you have to help improve relations between line staff and command staff?

  • Answered: 124
  • Skipped: 51
  • “Are command staff seems to be surrounded themselves with "yes" people. It appears that everyone is afraid to stand up for what is right because they are in fear of losing their positions and or being forced outside district, moved to another division, or forced into retirement. Their is no transparency with our new 1 & 2. ”
  • “IDK”
  • “Think only time can built the trust between the line staff and command. Once we see the changes that have been needed for years and recruiting brings in more officers.”
  • “Support the line staff in getting compensated for the work they do.”
  • “Have communication, which is non existent at this time. Be more open to ideas instead of my way or highway.”
  • “Not sure ”
  • “Accountability is essential in policing, however, accountability appears to only apply to those at the bottom. This has left many within this department and within the community feeling as if MPD is plagued by corruption. Many officers have expressed that their actions are constantly being overly scrutinized. This is in contrast to those in power where we’ve seen overt transgressions but no accountability. Recommendations: a. The standards from which accountability is drawn should apply to all without consideration of rank. b. Like the public, officers should be considered innocent until proven guilty. c. We need more and clearer communication with the public with regards to crime and the efforts of the officers. This will instill confidence in the community and appreciation for officers’ efforts and sacrifices. d. Disciplinary action should not be used against officers for any other purpose than to gain abeyance to the regulations of the department. It should not be used for vendettas. ”
  • “Open communication.”
  • “More transparency on decision making. Many moves such as the sergeant executive staff move and the cancelling of a unit and moving their collapse date multiple times before rescinding are troubling. ”
  • “N/a”
  • “Pick a different deputy chief. It has been observed that the chief follows what the deputy chief wants which normally in contradiction to what’s best for the department”
  • “Show up to roll call often ”
  • “They need to actually care, learn, and know about the people of MPD, rather than being politicians and imposing there will. ”
  • “Get A-1 & A-2 out of here. This ain't the mainland. They don't know how to treat it's employees. Sure A1 is a good speaker but we need someone who understands the local officer's and community and it's people.”
  • “N/A”
  • “Not sure as of this writing.”
  • “Transparency. ”
  • “More honesty and moves that match the words of the command staff”
  • “Building some sort of trust between the two, but that doesn't happen over night ”
  • “Our new Chief is not making any effort to improve relations with the members of this department. If you do run into the Chief or Deputy Chief they will tell you all about themselves but won't give you a chance to talk. They do not care about the traditions and history of our department.”
  • “Open communication for all line staff not just the "mentored" ones. ”
  • “Na”
  • “Recruiting locally. Help with daycare assistance. Housing assistance. Incentives, including for bilingual officers. Better training for all the officers not for specialized units. Better uniforms, more comfortable and light.”
  • “Start listening to command staff.”
  • “Open door/meetings to voice concerns about specific issues to each district.”
  • “Communication and transparency. The more you care about the department, genuinely, it’ll pay off in multiples.”
  • “Chief Pelletier and Hank need to leave or stop lying about who they area and what they stand for. Treat us with the respect that we deserve. Treat our civilian staff with the respect that they deserve. Stop bullying them. ”
  • “Open communication”
  • “Stop giving politicians answers when addressing the men. Answer the questions asked. However, I’ve seen this chief downstairs more times than I seen any of the last command staff period. ”
  • “None”
  • “I believe the new Chiefs have done a fabulous job and I look forward to working for /with them to make this the best police department in the islands of Hawaii. ”
  • “Better communication ”
  • “At this point, the only thing that would make sense would be to get rid of the entire command staff and start with guys who are already within the department. i cant see how this department can recover from this when SO many positive, genuinely honest, dedicated senior officers have been forced to retire. i have spoken to many of them and that is exactly what has happened. Forced into retirement because of the new chief and deputy. The officers need someone they can trust and right now there is none of that. The chief and his "self appointed" chief of staff have definitely turned many many officers on each other and have created an environment of distrust and low morale. The chief also gives the departments PIO more power and authority than sworn officers have. She attends command staff meetings where personnel issues and privileged information is being discussed when she has absolutely no business with. None of that information is, nor should it be, public information. If thats the case, anyone should be allowed in a command staff meeting. Again, creating distrust and low morale. A1 and A2 have obviously come in with their own, and the agenda of the commission. By being the "background" seeing this, i believe the only way to begin to repair the department would be to start with a fresh command staff. There is just too much distrust at this point. A1, his chief of staff, and the PIO really push for comments and suggestions in these suggestion boxes in all the station. i speak personally when i say that they pic and choose which comments to address and which ones to exclude. I have personally left comments/suggestions in the boxes and they were not addressed or even mentioned in the chiefs responses. And along those lines, he asks for communication from the men, but really, how are we supposed to speak up against decisions that they make. We look at all the previous commanders that tried to speak up and they got nowhere. in fact, they got forced into retirement and threatened to have their retirements messed with. The ones who tried to speak up were seen as the "cancer and corruption" in the department, when in actuality, they were the ones looking out for the men's best interest. There is absolutely no avenue for free speech with this admin. In fact, they know that the things they say are what they should be saying. A few days after A2 makes comments that he shouldnt have, he tries to implement a "no recording" policy??? WTF?! Who cares if someone is recording conversation that are work related. If youre the top leaders of the department and want the men to follow and believe in you, you should be saying things to encourage them and speak the truth. Not say things that will come around later and bite you in the ass. Again, no trust and low morale. I really do believe that getting rid of the chief of staff position and putting the PIO back into place would help improve relations. Those two have just been the target of so many complaints and gripes that bring discredit and distrust to the chief.”
  • “I don’t think it can be fixed. Multiple administrations and this current administration has followed a motto of “I’m a Chief and you’re just an officer”. When the administration doesn’t even know how to use our current computer system “On Call” how are you supposed look them for leadership. When your Chiefs don’t even know how to do an arrest. I think the chiefs need to learn MPD basics. When the Chief asks for a raise and his officers don’t even have a contract. They need to learn our culture not implement their culture. ”
  • “I think that the admin has shown their colors in the first 4 months. Respect and trust is gone. They won’t get it back. You can see them currently “trying” but it’s too late. ”
  • “There is no COMMAND staff only two the chief and deputy surrounded by people they dont trust and micromanage. Quit is the suggestion ”
  • “FIRE A-2! SHOPO needs to file a lawsuit for every breech of contract. 1st offense, $50K fine. 2nd offense, 3x that ($150K), 3rd offense, 10 times that ($1.5M), 4th 10x.... I think the message from the County will come down very quickly upon command staff after the 2nd and 3rd lawsuit, to STOP VIOLATING THE CONTRACT. This will also force the command staff to properly contact and consult SHOPO before making/enacting stupid policies that violate the contract. If the command staff does not understand the impact of their new policy, they are more than encouraged and welcomed to meet to discus it with SHOPO leadership. ”
  • “Simple, with a new command comes changes... weather the storm, adapt to the changes N embrace the new leadership! In other words, suck it the f$%! Up and do your job! If democrats gave the same energy to aid Trump and If Republicans did the same for Biden then the US would be in a much stronger place than we are today... same concept....”
  • “Speak to the senior officers who have been in for years. Listening to someone who just started or who have very little to no experience in the job field to implement changes is not right. Some changes have not been for a reason and the only people who would know that is senior officers who speak with other officers and collect information to why it would work and why it would not.”
  • “Overall communication from command staff to line staff needs to be clear, concise, and relayed in a timely manner. Lack of direction and lack of communication is detrimental to this department. The command staff should show some amount trust in our line staff. Command staff should stop micro-managing the entire department. ”
  • “You can't improve relations because you have those ambitious captains that want to get promoted and rat everyone out to get want they want. Heck you have sergeants doing the same because everyone scared. Nothing will change with this chief. Guarantee this survey will fall on deaf ears. ”
  • “Spend more time assisting first hand with front line officers and less time behind a desk judging”
  • “Communication................”
  • “N/a”
  • “Command staff needs to be made aware of the collective bargaining agreement and abide by it. In service training on the CBA for all the command staff. ”
  • “Old school. Be fair and truthful. It’s not rocket scientist. Fairness and integrity ”
  • “It may be to the point this Chief needs to be removed. He has lost the confidence of many Officers and continues to to nothing to fix this. The chief and the deputy are clearly over their heads and ability to run a Police Department the size of MPD. They are both paranoid as well. I have never meet a more paranoid police officer then this chief and deputy. Paranoid of other police officers. ”
  • “Provide us with a clear mission that works best for our officers and community. Allow us true input on how to implement the change. ”
  • “The Chief and Deputy need to be honest with the line staff and actually show that they care instead of just saying they do but then make decisions that say otherwise. They are like politicians. They say what people want to hear but don't actually mean it. ”
  • “Command staff has to actually be truthful and remember where they came from. Police officers have known a lot of them before their rank got to their heads. Police officers can smell bullshit and know when they are being stalled just be honest ”
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What specific steps do you think that the SHOPO Maui Chapter leadership should take to improve relationships with command staff?

  • Answered: 120
  • Skipped: 55
  • “Hold them accountable to follow policy and procedures across the board. They are not above law nor policy/procedures. They seem to always have these impromptu meeting which is a results of "something" that just happened and/or about to be exposed.”
  • “That’s a hard one”
  • “Listen to everyone as a whole. The loud ones are the ones that have been taking advantage of the system for years. ”
  • “Periodically go on patrol and experience the things line staff employees experience. And take cases from people who call the police now a days. ”
  • “Nicholas Krau is doing a great job being transparent and having better communion between front line and admin ”
  • “Not sure”
  • “Keep an open mind!”
  • “Learn how to trust and communicate with each other.”
  • “I don’t know”
  • “N/a”
  • “Stay firm and not cave to the chief and deputy chief. If they are concerned with who shopo hires that is all the more reason to hire those people to keep chief and deputy chief in check. ”
  • “Na”
  • “Make it easier to implement good ideas/programs that Officers want or need rather than bickering about stupid nuances. ”
  • “I think since Nick Krau has come into SHOPO he has brought transparency. Thank you Nick and SHOPO! ”
  • “N/A”
  • “Not sure as of this writing.”
  • “Don’t budge”
  • “Take a stand ”
  • “I think the Maui SHOPO Leadership is already taking the necessary steps to make improvements”
  • “SHOPO has come a long way and Nick is doing a great job.”
  • “I don't really know what type of relationship shopo has with the command staff but I know this new Shopo leadership is doing an awesome job and will continue to do so. Keep on fighting!! ”
  • “Na”
  • “The SHOPO Maui Chapter leaders are doing a phenomenal job! They been transparent with us. They keep us updated and listen to our concerns and comments. Even more, they are taking action to remediate and address the issues. ”
  • “Be willing to go to state board and news media for members.”
  • “Talk to patrol/anonymous surveys to voice concerns to command staff and ways to improve morale, department ”
  • “Keep obtaining updates with ongoing issues and addressing them. Having the head chair come out to the districts to answer and respond to issues and questions. The notes and minutes from the meetings come back open to interpretation, it’d be nice to get ideas and answers straight from the source(s)”
  • “I am not a SHOPO representative and have been largely inactive with SHOPO for most mf my career. I feel the union has been aggressive in standing up for our Officers through all the issues the Chiefs are creating. My hope is that this continues. Do not let them get away with all the problems they are creating and please continue to call them out when they make decisions outside of the best interests of our Officers. ”
  • “Unsure however the recent changes to training is creating a liability for the recruits”
  • “don't know”
  • “Unsure ”
  • “None”
  • “Stop complaining, stop helping the chronic lazy complainers who bitch about everything. Chief Pelletier and Deputy Chief Hank are doing a fabulous job. Lets support them please. ”
  • “SAA”
  • “Again, another tough question to answer as the command staff will hear what you have to say and then go ahead and make their own decisions anyway. im not sure if there can be real trust between the chief and anyone else. The guy is definitely a politician and can say exactly what people wanna hear. But then he goes ahead and makes decisions contradictory of what he said. Again, maybe another reason he wanted a "no recording" policy. Having any kind of response from the chief in writing would definitely be a good step to improve relationships with the chief. That way, he wouldnt be able to say that he did or didnt say something. Hed be somewhat accountable for his words or actions, which is something that he is severely lacking right now.”
  • “Remove the current administration with a lack of confidence. ”
  • “Nothing. Help get them out. ”
  • “It shouldn’t need to just stand up for the officers they serve”
  • “I think SHOPO is doing an excellent job in attempting to meet with Command to address issues. I think this has greatly improved from what I recall the relationship to be in the past. I applaud the use of this survey to engage the members to speak more freely and openly about their true feelings of the morale. I applaud the efforts of our SHOPO President to create an attitude and policy of openness and transparency. I applaud the efforts of SHOPO to engage social media effectively rather than relying on the main stream media to convey its message. I think the relations with Command staff will significantly (and instantly) improve, the second A-1 and A-2 are fired. The problem has been identified. Everyone knows it. Get rid of the 2 festering boils and all the symptoms go way! I can understand the public hating us and people fighting with police, complaining about us, and not supporting us etc. Nobody should be a police officer with expectations to receive thanks from the public. But when our own internal Command staff doesnt support us? No officer should have to endure that! SHOPO must continue to show strong support for the manpower/members who are dealing with this morale issue. How about a special video made and posted on the YouTube account. Or a special SHOPO podcast episode exposing the morale and results of this survey. Is SHOPO able to create a survey and open it to the Maui community/public to ask how they feel about officers facing these issues? I'm sure there are other County employees outside of MPD, (Council Members, Other Departments in Maui County etc) who have interacted with A-1 and A-2. What is their opinions on this new Command Staff? ”
  • “They are doing a great job making sure our rights are not violated.. ”
  • “I feel like the Chapter Chair is already doing the best he can. The receiving end needs to step up.”
  • “N/A”
  • “Good luck”
  • “Communication................”
  • “I feel the current SHOPO reps are trying there best to make things happen for the officers they represent.”
  • “N/a”
  • “Keep meeting with the staff and be able to agree to disagree. Have regular meetings with the command staff. ”
  • “Shopo is a representative for all officers in the state of Hawaii. Our chiefs don’t realize that SHOPO works for the men and along side the department. SHOPO doesn’t work for the Chiefs. Please make that extremely clears with the Maui Chiefs ”
  • “SHOPO is doing a great job calling out this administration for their poor actions. I strongly support SGT Krau as the maui chapter chair. The Hawaii Community, Maui County and MPD are lucky to have him in this position. He has built a strong transparent team. They have turned my previous negative feeling of the union to a positive one. The MPD command staff and police commission need to really listen to the SHOPO Maui Leadership. SHOPO needs to continue to address and call out the MPD poor leadership at the top. Including the Assistant Chiefs and Acting A/C. I hope the State SHOPO leadership continues to support the Maui Chapter and not fall for MPD's new Chief's and Deputy's lies and mistreatment. Thank you for providing this venue and listening to our Officers. We need help and protection from this Administration, CC and Police Commission. ”
  • “Continue working on ensuring we're treated fairly and protected by wrongful action based upon gossip and individual experiences vs facts and true work ethic.”
  • “Continuing what you guys are doing. HOLDING them accountable for everything they do because if not they will be tyrants ”