â1. Command Staff "mentoring" certain officers/sgts within the department and assisting them with (for example) the upcoming Sergeant position. I personally know some of them who are being "mentored." They knew exactly when the exam was coming out before it was even posted. It is not fair and shows favoritism, thus lowering morale. If this "mentor" program is open to all officers of all ranks, then command staff should post an Ad Order or send an email to all employees so that they can participate in the mentorship program.
2. Allowing certain officers to have permanent schedules. Even if it was just "verbal," and not on paper, it is very easy to prove if you look at the schedule or in Workday. It is not fair and lowers morale. Should all officers turn in their paperwork to quit so that they could get an accommodated schedule?
3. Specialized positions such as vice, juvenile, cru, cpo, and sro should not last longer than 5 years. It decreases morale for officers because there is no upward movement. There is nothing to look forward to if officers sit and stay in a position for 10+ years, thus lowering morale.
4. Re-hiring of retirees. For example, the re-hiring of retired Lt. Winfrey. This directly affects all officers, regardless of rank because it will bottleneck and trickle down, thus lowering morale amongst all officers. An eligible sergeant will no longer be able to apply for a Lt. position because it will be taken away by re-hiring a retiree. The eligible officer will no longer be able to apply for a Sgt. position because the eligible Sgt. will now stay in his/her position. This will directly effect MPD and decrease morale because there will be NO upward movement. What happens when more retirees want to come back??
5. The re-hiring of retired Lt. Winfrey and allowing her to come back to Molokai district will lower morale within the Molokai district. The Chief and Deputy Chief have still not told district 5 officers/supervisors anything about it and the only information that is being received is through shopo. They have not asked input from district 5 officers/supervisors on how they feel about retired Lt. Winfrey coming back to Molokai. I thought they were about transparency and open communication. Both supervisors and officers (especially permanent) are afraid to speak up because of retaliation from Lt. Winfrey and now feel that since the Chief wants to bring Lt. Winfrey back, there is not point in saying anything because she will be "tight/buddy buddy" with him. The Chief made up his mind with no input from patrol, who have already worked with and for her.
Lt. Winfrey holds personal vendettas against officers/supervisors and does not hesitate to reprimand you in front of everyone. She does not go through a "chain of command" to reprimand. For example, her friend was given a parking citation. Her friend then spoke to her via phone, and the next thing you know officers are getting scolded and questioned about why they didn't have their blue flashing lights turned on...as they were issuing a PARKING TICKET. She did not go to their supervisor, she went directly to them and lowered their morale simply because they were doing their job. And now, Lt. Winfrey doesn't have to deal with the officers feeling this way because she doesn't have to work with them all the time. The supervisor (sgt) has to deal with the officers not her. Lt. Winfrey also finagles the schedule to her liking, which she can do and I understand that. However, when you tell officers and supervisors they're not allowed to take off unless they give 5 day notice, but then Lt. Winfrey changes her schedule with one day notice to fit her airport schedule (she also works at Molokai airport) makes no sense. Lt. Winfrey will scold/yell at supervisors for approving officers to take "CTO." She is a very strong believer in no overtime, so that she can win the "Manager of the year Award." If there is an overload on one shift, she will switch your schedule around so you can cover the shift that is short handed. So, let's say you are on 3rd watch. If there are 3 officers on 3rd watch and 1 officer on 2nd watch, she will switch you to 2nd for that day...even if it is the middle of your week. It's almost like having a SWING schedule. Leaders should lead by example. It's very much "Do as I say, not as I do" type of leadership. Lt. Winfrey's daughter was arrested last year and she questioned everything (the PC, why did she get arrested, etc) officers did, even though she was already retired. Makes you wonder why she is returning, aside from being promised Captain.
Just wish the Chiefs would have spoken with Molokai supervisors and officers about how we feel on Lt. Winfrey's return. I heard there is also a Lieutenant opening in Hana district. Why does she get to return to Molokai? Knowing that there was no open communication between the Chief and Molokai district about Lt. Winfrey returning, and the fact that she is returning to Molokai really lowers our morale here and she hasn't even started yet. My morale is already starting to lower just typing this out.