Thank you for helping us better understand your electronic resource needs. This survey regarding our trial of Inspec and our current Compendex subscription will only take a minute or two to complete. If you need more information about Inspec, Compendex, or this trial and review, please see the following Inspec & Compendex Information Sheet.

Question Title

* 1. Please tell us your status:

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate how you used the information found in Inspec. You may select more than one.

Question Title

* 3. How satisfied are you with the following content aspects of Inspec?

  Unacceptable Mediocre Neutral Good Excellent
Relevance of content to your needs
Quality of content (journals, conference proceedings, etc.) indexed
Quality and completeness of individual records
Timeliness of content

Question Title

* 4. How satisfied are you with the following technical aspects of Inspec?

  Unacceptable Mediocre Neutral Good Excellent
Search features
Overall database design

Question Title

* 5. Did you experience any technical problems while using Inspec?

Question Title

* 6. Based upon your experiences and needs, the library should...

Question Title

* 7. Please explain your recommendation as to what the library should do (question 6)

Question Title

* 8. Although not required, we'd appreciate it if you could provide a little more information about which database performed better in the following areas:

  Compendex was better Inspec was better Same Don't know/No opinion
Relevance of content to your needs
Quality of content (journals, conference proceedings, etc.) indexed
Quality and completeness of individual records
Timeliness of content
Search features
Overall site design

Question Title

* 9. Please include any additional comments that would be helpful as we consider this resource.

Question Title

* 10. May we contact you if we need more information?
If NO, simply select the "Next" button and you're done!