Exit this survey Telemarketing survey 2011 To be in with a chance of winning a prize you must complete the survey Question Title * 1. Please complete the following details First name Surname Country Job title Company Work email Work phone number Question Title * 2. Have you used telemarketing as part of your marketing activity over the past 12 months? Yes No (If no, thanks for your participation but please do not continue) Question Title * 3. How important would you say that telemarketing is to your organisation and its marketing? Critical Very important Important Not very important Very peripheral We don't use telemarketing Question Title * 4. How does telemarketing fit into your marketing programme? We run telemarketing constantly We generally integrate it with tactical campaigns We use it occasionally to support specific activity We don't use telemarketing Question Title * 5. Has your use of telemarketing increased or decreased over the last 12 months? Increased Decreased Remained constant Don't know Question Title * 6. Were these increases or decreases in the use of telemarketing a consequence of the recent economic uncertainty? We INCREASED our use as a result of the recent economic uncertainty We DECREASED our use as a result of the recent economic uncertainty This had no influence on our use of telemarketing Don't know Question Title * 7. Which types of telemarketing do you conduct? Inbound Outbound Both N/A Question Title * 8. Do you have a specific annual budget that you allocate to telemarketing? Yes, we have a specific annual telemarketing budget No, we allocate funds on a tactical or campaign basis Don't know Question Title * 9. What percentage of your total marketing budget is allocated to telemarketing? 1-2 per cent 2-5 per cent 5-10 per cent 10-25 per cent 25-50 per cent More than 50 per cent We don't have a formal budget Don't know Question Title * 10. What do you expect will happen to the budget that you invest in telemarketing in the next 12 months? It will increase It will decrease It will remain constant Don't know Question Title * 11. For what objectives do you use telemarketing? Please select as many options as are relevant. Which do you use? Which has the highest priority? Cleansing marketing data Cleansing marketing data Which do you use? Cleansing marketing data Which has the highest priority? Qualifying leads Qualifying leads Which do you use? Qualifying leads Which has the highest priority? Booking sales appointments Booking sales appointments Which do you use? Booking sales appointments Which has the highest priority? Customer feedback/research Customer feedback/research Which do you use? Customer feedback/research Which has the highest priority? Channel communication Channel communication Which do you use? Channel communication Which has the highest priority? DM follow-up DM follow-up Which do you use? DM follow-up Which has the highest priority? Prospecting/generating new leads Prospecting/generating new leads Which do you use? Prospecting/generating new leads Which has the highest priority? Event invitations Event invitations Which do you use? Event invitations Which has the highest priority? Other Other Which do you use? Other Which has the highest priority? Question Title * 12. For which marketing objectives do you invest the biggest proportion of your marketing resources? Please select one option. Cleansing marketing data Qualifying leads Booking sales appointments Customer feedback/research Channel communication DM follow-up Prospecting/generating new leads Event invitations Other Question Title * 13. To what extent is your telemarketing integrated with other marketing activity? Please select one option. It's fully integrated with other activities It's mostly integrated It's sometimes integrated It's not integrated at all Question Title * 14. What are the most significant factors that influence your use of telemarketing techniques as part of any given marketing initiative? Access to relevant data Timing of campaigns Campaign target audience Other N/A Question Title * 15. Which of the following audiences do you believe telemarketing is particularly effective in reaching? Please select as many options as are relevant. Effective Most effective Owners of small businesses (under 50 people) Owners of small businesses (under 50 people) Effective Owners of small businesses (under 50 people) Most effective Decision-makers in small businesses Decision-makers in small businesses Effective Decision-makers in small businesses Most effective Director of medium/large organisations Director of medium/large organisations Effective Director of medium/large organisations Most effective Management-level decision makers in medium/large organisations Management-level decision makers in medium/large organisations Effective Management-level decision makers in medium/large organisations Most effective Other Other Effective Other Most effective N/A N/A Effective N/A Most effective Question Title * 16. Which metrics do you use to measure effectiveness of telemarketing activity? Number of decision maker contacts (DMCs) per day Length of time on the phone Number sales made Number of appointments/meeting set Other Question Title * 17. Can you accurately measure ROI on telemarketing activity? Yes - always Yes - sometimes Never Not sure Question Title * 18. If you answered 'never' to the previous question, why not? We know it works without the need for precise measurements Our systems don't enable us to track ROI It's impossible to distinguish telemarketing ROI from the rest of the mix Question Title * 19. Which of the following statements do you most agree with? Please select one option. Telemarketing is a strategic resource for us Telemarketing is a tactical resource for us Telemarketing is both strategic and tactical for us The status of telemarketing depends on the marketing objectives of the project at hand Question Title * 20. How has your telemarketing evolved over the last 12 months? We're doing less of it We're becoming more campaign focused We're doing more of it It's become better integrated into our other marketing activity It's become a core discipline Question Title * 21. How do you work with telemarketing agencies? Please select the statement that best matches your approach to relationships with telemarketing agencies. Please select one option. We have a single, long-term, strategic partner for telemarketing We work with a number of companies on an ongoing basis for different objectives We have one preferred supplier who we work with when relevant We don't really have any significant relationships with telemarketing agencies We don't use agencies at all Question Title * 22. How do you choose telemarketing agencies? Please select as many options as relevant. We pick them on personal recommendation We look for industry standards or accreditations (e.g. DMA or ABBA) We do a full, formal pitch Our marcomms agency selects them It varies - no specific method We don't use telemarketing agencies Done