Exit this survey The United States of Secession? What if you woke up tomorrow to find your state had successfully seceded from the nation?Ok, so it won't happen overnight... but if it happens, "Who gets the jeep, who gets the palace?" to quote Mark Chesnutt. Question Title * 1. I support a states ability to secede from the United States... I agree I disagree Question Title * 2. Would you support or oppose YOUR state seceding from the United States? (If you oppose skip to question 4) Support Oppose Not Sure Question Title * 3. The issue that would have you pushing for secession is... The right to individual liberty and private property Government’s spending is out of control and cannot be sustained The right to keep and bear arms Making it easier for states to join with others in an experimental union A simpler non-progressive tax code All of the above Question Title * 4. Which states are most likely to secede from the United States? West Virginia Alaska Hawaii Texas Tennessee Idaho Montana Louisiana Georgia Florida North Carolina Arizona South Carolina Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Enter your email below. Please Note: The Project to Restore America will keep you updated on poll results and other breaking news with FREE daily email alerts. We will not sell or rent, or otherwise share your e-mail address with anyone. You can remove your address from our e-mailing list by following the instructions at the end of every e-mail we send. Next