UKLA Survey: Phonics Check for 6 Year Olds in 2012


This questionnaire aims to gather information from teachers who have carried out the Phonics Check for 6 year olds in their schools during June 2012.

In accordance with the Data Protection Act responses are COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL

The questionnaire has been designed for ease of completion and should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. We would be grateful if you could complete the questionnaire by the 20th July 2012

UKLA will be using the information to see how useful schools have found the check, as well as its impact on the reading curriculum. We are also interested in finding out about any organisational and financial issues that schools have had to address. Results will be collated and analysed and any conclusions publicised and fed back to the Department for Education.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

To continue, please click the next button below.

If you have any difficulty using this questionnaire then please contact Anna Stevens:


Tel: 0114 225 4656