1. Register Your Interest

This survey is being carried out by Carplus Trust on behalf of Pencaitland Community Council.

Pencaitland Community Council are interested in finding out if residents of Pencaitland are interested in a community-run car club, similar schemes currently operating in Dunbar and Haddington. Car clubs offer access to pay-as-you-drive cars parked in dedicated spaces close to homes and work places and available for hire 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for as little as 30 minutes up to several days at a time.

In Scotland Carplus provides technical and financial assistance to support the development of car clubs as part of the, Transport Scotland funded, Developing Car Clubs in Scotland (DCCS) programme.

Please use the form below to register your interest in having a car club in Pencaitland.

Survey responses will be used by Pencaitland Community Council and Carplus for the sole purpose of establishing the level of interest in developing a car club in Pencaitland and respondent contact information will not be shared with any other organisation.

Question Title

* 1. Your contact details are:

Question Title

* 2. How old are you?

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* 3. Do you have a driving licence?

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* 4. Do you own a car or van?

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* 5. Where do you live?

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* 7. Do you have access to a car at home or work that is not owned by you?

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* 8. If you joined a car club, which of the following would be your most likely destinations?

  Tick all that apply Tick only the location most often visited
North Berwick

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* 9. Why would you make the journeys described above?

  Tick all that apply Tick only the most usual reason
Commute to and from work
Short holiday/weekend break
Family/social visits
Educational reasons
Business travel
Please indicate how often in a typical month you would be most likely to use a car club vehicle for a trip. User charges probably make it most cost effective for short bookings lasting from an hour to a long weekend.

Question Title

* 10. Short bookings

  1-4 hours 5-11 hours 12-23 hours
Once a week, or more
Once a fortnight
Once a month
Less than once a month
Only in an emergency

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* 11. Longer bookings

  1 day 2 days 3 days more
Once a week
Once a month
A few times a year
Once a year
Only in an emergency

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* 12. When would you be most likely to use a club car vehicle? (please click all that apply)

  Mornings Afternoons Evenings

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* 13. Would you be interested in using an electric car club vehicle?

Thank your for taking the time to complete this survey. Your response will be complete when you click the done button below. If you would like more information about car clubs then please contact Pencaitland Community Council by email at: website@pencaitland.org on the web at: http://pencaitland.org/a-car-club-for-pencaitland/. You can find out more about car clubs at: http://www.carplus.org.uk.