2011 Volunteer Application

3% of survey complete.

Welcome to the 2011 Food Network New York City Wine & Food Festival Online Volunteer Application. Last year, the festival raised over $800,000 for hunger relief and we couldn't have done it without the support of the 1,250 volunteers!

There are multiple ways that you can volunteer for the festival, but the two main ways to get involved are by:
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp1. Providing general event support as an Event Support Volunteer
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp2. Providing culinary assistance as a Culinary Volunteer

&nbsp&nbsp&nbspSee detailed descriptions below.

All volunteers are required to volunteer at least 4 hours, some volunteers commit to volunteering a whole day or the entire weekend! The more hours and days you volunteer, the better. Through this application you will have the opportunity to 'request' to volunteer with your friends, but we CANNOT make any guarantees. You will also have the opportunity to coordinate your own Group with 10+ volunteers.

All volunteers must be 18yrs or older, NO EXCEPTIONS

Event Support Volunteers
(Individuals or Groups)
Event Support Volunteers will be assisting with a variety of activities including setup, checking in guests, passing out materials, giving directions, ticketing and other event support tasks.
Individual or Group?:
- Individuals will have the ability to volunteer individually or with up to 5 friends
- Groups will be required to recruit and coordinate at least 10 volunteers to volunteer at least one event together. Groups may be faith based, student groups, corporations, or even just a large group of friends.
Leadership Opportunities:
Team Leader:
Team Leaders help coordinate small to large groups of volunteers on-site at various events. These Team Leaders act as a liaison with the Event Producers to coordinate the volunteers to complete the needed tasks.

Volunteer Staff Member:
Volunteer Staff Members will be asked to volunteer Friday, 9/29 thru Sunday, 10/2 for a total of 25 hours. These volunteers will help provide overall volunteer and event coordination.

Culinary Volunteers
(Individuals Only)
Culinary Volunteers will be assisting mostly with wine & food related tasks: preparing & serving food, serving wine, describing food & wine to event attendees, and other culinary related needs.
- Must have chef whites/chef jacket (EXCEPTION: students of Wine Schools)
- Must have culinary experience (either professional or education)
- Some volunteers will be asked to bring their chef knives

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the following Staff Members:

    Event Support Volunteer Inquiries Contacts:

        Brian Pham, Volunteer Services Manager at the Food Bank For New York City
     Adam Levine, Volunteer Services Coordinator at the Food Bank For New York City

    Culinary Volunteer Inquiries Contacts:
        Moira Campbell, Festival Consultant
        Veronica Rodriguez, Festival Consultant

Please click "NEXT" to continue to the application.
Application will take approximately 10mins to complete

DISCLAIMER: Completion of this application does not guarantee volunteer a assignment, however, all applications will be thoroughly reviewed and all applicants will be contacted. Please answer this application honestly, as your answers will help us select a suitable volunteer assignment.