Library Consultation Questionnaire - Library services in Blackhall

Although there is no immediate formal threat to the future of Library services in Blackhall we are acutely aware that the Government cuts have led to a reduction in opening hours to the Library in Hesleden Road and we need to be mindful of the potential of any further cuts in the future.

With this in mind, East Durham Trust, a well established local charity is tentatively exploring the possibility of transferring the service from Council ownership into the hands of the community.

It should be noted from the outset that East Durham Trust would not be looking to replace employed staff with volunteers, although we would see volunteering as an important factor in restoring or continuing services.
As part of the ‘exploration’ we are seeking to gauge the current levels of local support for the services and attempt to get a feel for how services and might look in the future.

With this in mind we would be grateful if you could answer the following questions

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* 1. Please enter your postcode

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. Do you consider yourself a frequent user of the Library?

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* 4. Which of the following activities/services do you use? please tick ALL that apply

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* 5. As an infrequent user of the Library please tell us the reason why. (please tick ALL that apply)

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* 6. Please state any activities that you would like to see in the library that may encourage you to visit more frequently.

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* 7. If the local library was transferred to community ownership would you be interested in: (tick all that apply)

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* 8. How much would you be prepared to pay per year to be a member of Blackhall Library?

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* 9. If you have expressed and interest in volunteering or being part of a community stakeholder or group would like to be contacted further on this issue please provide your contact details.

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* 10. Thank You for taking the time to complete the survey,
A consultation event will take place on 12th March from 5pm-6pm at Blackhall Community Centre.
You are more than welcome to come along if you would like to discuss any of the above further