1. Lead-Safe Remodeling: What do you NEED to know?

Lead paint was used in houses regularly until it was banned in 1978. Until recently, remodelers were required to distribute pamphlets from the Environmental Protection Agency before beginning work on houses built before this cutoff date.

Beginning April 22, remodelers and painters will need to be certified by the EPA to remove or disrupt lead paint. In order to build an information kit for remodelers and consumers please help us by answering these eight questions.

Thanks from Fine Homebuilding and Green Building Advisor.

Question Title

* 1. How familiar are you with EPA’s new Lead: Repair, Renovation and Painting Program Rule? 1=Not at all, 5=Very familiar

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* 2. Are you a consumer or a building professional (contractor, remodeler)?

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* 3. As far as your business is concerned, what are your biggest fears with this law?

  Major concern Some concern Little or no concern
Liability issues
Cost/disruption of regular remodeling practices

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* 4. As far as your own home is concerned, what are your biggest fears with this law?

  Major concern Some concern Little or no concern
Finding a certified remodeler
Making sure the work is done correctly
Getting accurate test results on lead in my home

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* 5. What percent of your business is done on houses built before 1978, with lead paint still there?

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* 6. Where do you work?

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* 7. What information would be most helpful to you in meeting the new EPA rule?

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* 8. May we follow up with you to ask more questions? (please enter your email address)