1. Foster Parent Exit Interview

100% of survey complete.
This questionnaire should be completed by any foster parent ending service with the agency. It can also be completed and submitted by the Resource Development worker based on a foster parent exit interview.

Question Title

1. Foster Parent:

Question Title

3. Exit Information:


Question Title

5. What was your motivation to begin fostering? Check as many as apply

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6. What was your main reason for deciding not to continue to foster?

Question Title

7. Tell us about your experience as a Foster Parent:

  Yes No
Did you feel confident in your ability to meet the needs of the child(ren) placed in your care?
Did you feel that your family was well matched with the child(ren) placed in your care?
Do you feel that you were offered support services to help you meet the needs of the child(ren) placed in your care?
Do you feel that you were offered training which could help you meet the needs of the child(ren) placed in your care?
In general, were your phone calls to DFCS responded to in a timely manner?
Do you feel that you were consistently informed about case decisions and other issues affecting the child(ren) placed in your care?

Question Title

8. How would you describe your relationship with the following persons:

  Strongly Favorable Favorable Unfavorable Extremely Unfavorable Non-existent
Resource Development Worker
Placement Case Workers
Service Providers (CCFA, Wraparound, etc)
Birth Families
Local Foster Parent Association

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9. What support services do you feel you needed, that were not offered?

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10. What (if anything) could have been done to change your mind about closing your home?

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11. Additional Comments:

Thank you for completing this survey. If you have further thoughts that you would like to share, please contact Claudine Smith at Claudine.Smith@dhs.ga.gov