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* 1. Which days did you attend the Forests Asia Summit?

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* Please state your name (Last name, first name)

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* 3. How would you rate the Forests Asia Summit overall?

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* 4. How did you learn about the Forests Asia Summit?

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* 5. Which components of the Forests Asia Summit were most valuable for you? Please choose 3.

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* 6. Why were these sessions helpful (select all applicable reasons):

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* 7. Which components or aspects of the Summit could be improved (please elaborate):

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* 8. Which of the Summit themes was most interesting for you?

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* 9. Why was this particular theme the most interesting? – Please elaborate

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* 10. Have you attended Forests Indonesia (2011), the Global Landscapes Forum (2013, on the sidelines of UNFCCC COP19) or any of the previous Forest Days held alongside UNFCCC Conferences of Parties?

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* 11. Are you planning to attend the UNFCCC COP20 in Lima, Peru?

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* 12. How familiar were you with the concept of sustainable landscapes before attending the Forests Asia Summit? – on a scale from 1-5; 5 being very familiar, one not familiar at all

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* 13. How well do you feel informed about concepts of sustainable landscapes after attending the Forests Asia Summit?

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* 14. How familiar were you with the concepts of green growth and green economy before attending the Forests Asia Summit? – on a scale from 1-5; 5 being very familiar, one not familiar at all

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* 15. How well do you feel informed about green growth and green economy approaches after attending the Forests Asia Summit?

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* 16. What is the key message you took from the Forests Asia Summit?:

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* 17. What do you intend to do with this new knowledge? (it is possible to choose more than one option)

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* 18. Which questions are still open and what would need to be clarified / addressed better in upcoming events?

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* 19. Do you have a comment for the organizers?