Alberta Medical Association draft

Clinical ARP Support Survey

As you know, Alberta Health has recently terminated the grant funding for the AMA’s ARP Physician Support Services (ARP PSS) program. This is despite the AMA’s proposal to maintain the program in the best interest of furthering clinical ARP (cARP) uptake by physicians in Alberta and continuing to enhance and improve existing cARPs. Government has cancelled this important support for physicians, while at the same time as stating that their goal is to have more physicians on cARPs.  This survey will be used to inform the AMA and its membership on the future support needs of current and prospective cARP physicians and how the AMA can best meet those needs.
1.Please identify which category best describes your clinical ARP (cARP) status
2.How satisfied have you been with cARP support received from the following parties:
Very Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied
a)      The AMA’s ARP Physician Support Services (ARP PSS) team
b)      The government’s ARP department (Alberta Health Alternative Compensation Delivery Unit)?
c)      Alberta Health Services Medical Affairs
3.In the absence of AMA’s ARP Physician Support Services (ARP PSS) program, what is your comfort level in dealing directly with the following parties with respect to cARP exploration, development and implementation?
1 (Low comfort)
5 (High comfort)
a)      The government’s ARP department (Alberta Health Alternative Compensation Delivery Unit)?
b)      Alberta Health Services Medical Affairs?
4.What level of challenges have you experienced with respect to cARP exploration, development and implementation?
1 (Few challenges)
5 (Extreme challenges)
5.If applicable, please describe the challenges you have faced with respect to the previous question?
6.To what degree will the loss of the ARP PSS services impact your desire to start or remain on a clinical ARP?
7.Please rate the importance you place on having AMA support available for the following aspects of cARPs:
1 (Not important)
5 (Highly important)
a)      Exploration (education, needs assessment, advising on the pros and cons of various options, completing the expression of interest (EOI), etc.)
b)      Development (gathering necessary information, completing the application, analyzing and presenting data to support the request, liaising with other stakeholders on your behalf, ministerial order review, etc.)
c)       Implementation (orientations, start-up forms, reporting and accountability requirements, internal governance, change management, expansion applications, ongoing support with questions and issues)
d)      Advocacy, negotiation and representation support
8.Are there any other AMA supports you require that are not listed above?
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered