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* 1. Do you eat breakfast every schoolday/workday morning?

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* 2. What is your normal weekday breakfast?

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* 3. If you don’t eat breakfast – why not?

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* 4. Have you seen/heard the TV/radio advert for the biscuits as a ‘Breakfast on the Go’?

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* 5. Have you tried the Breakfast Biscuits?

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* 6. If so – how do you know about them?

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* 7. How do you rate them?

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* 8. Have you tried the biscuits as a breakfast replacement?

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* 9. Do you think Breakfast Biscuits are a good alternative for breakfast for the person on the go?

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* 10. Do you eat a snack at break time/mid morning?

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* 11. What would you prefer to eat mid-morning?

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* 12. What do you drink mid-mornng?

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* 13. What would be the deciding factor for you to buy breakfast biscuits?

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* 14. Do you think there should be a Breakfast Club in St Pauls?

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* 15. If there was a Breakfast Club (8.15 -8.45am), would you use it?

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* 16. What would you like to see available in it?