
The Ansible Team is seeing many people talking about using Ansible and Docker together, often in many different ways. Some folks are prepping hosts, others are building Docker images, and some are using Ansible to place containers on hosts. Some folks are doing all of the above!

To understand more about how you are using Ansible and Docker together, can you help us out by answering a few questions?

We'd greatly appreciate it!

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* 1. How long have you been using Ansible?

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* 2. How long have you been using Docker?

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* 3. I build my Docker container images with

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* 4. I deploy my docker containers

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* 5. I run my docker containers in

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* 6. I use Ansible to set up my infrastructure to be able to run Docker container hosts

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* 7. What OS are you using for your docker hosts?

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* 8. What OS are you using for on your docker containers?

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* 9. How many Docker containers are you running in production?

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* 10. Are there any comments you would like to share on Ansible and Docker?