These are five of the eight goals in the AARC strategic plan currently under discussion. Please provide your input.

Question Title


Refine and expand the scope of practice for respiratory therapists in all care settings.

Promote advanced practice and practice expansion for respiratory therapists. Assure that the science that demonstrates the value and role of the respiratory therapist is provided to those stakeholders whose decisions and actions need to be guided by that information.

How would you approach this objective?

Question Title


Advance the knowledge base and educational preparation of respiratory therapists to ensure competent patient care and to foster patient safety initiatives.

The AARC will promote the continuing development of the respiratory care workforce both nationally and internationally by promoting formal educational programs and continuing education in order to ensure competent, safe, and effective patient care, and to provide for the transfer of new knowledge to clinical practice.

How would you approach this objective?

Question Title


Support research and scientific inquiry to strengthen the scientific foundation and promote best practice for patient care.

Demonstrate the value of the respiratory therapist in providing respiratory care by supporting, conducting, and publishing research information. Research should compare the value of the respiratory therapist to others who may provide respiratory care services. Information generated should consider the needs of employers, legislators, regulators, other health professionals, and patients. Research efforts will, when appropriate and possible, be conducted in collaboration with other health care stakeholders.

How would you approach this objective?

Question Title


Advocate for federal and state health care policies that enhance patient care, patients’ access to care, and professional practice.

Advocate at the federal and state level for health care policy that promotes access to appropriate, safe, and effective respiratory care for patients and the public. Develop and implement promotion/marketing of the respiratory therapist targeted to legislators, policy makers, and payers. Messages will emphasize the value of the respiratory therapist in controlling the utilization of services, creating cost savings, improving outcomes and patient safety, and increasing access to respiratory care as provided by a respiratory therapist.

How would you approach this objective?

Question Title


Assure the Association has the resources to meet the mission and strategic goals of the organization.

Assure that the AARC has the financial, volunteer, and staff resources needed to accomplish the implementation of the strategic plan of the Association. It is necessary to have sufficient income to support the ongoing and new initiatives of the Association if we are to accomplish the goals of the AARC. In addition to financial resources, it is essential that there be active participation of sufficient numbers of effective leaders and an effective and efficient Executive Office to support the efforts to be a leader in health care.

How would you approach this objective?

Question Title

* This information is optional.