ARTISTIC WORK: Doing creative work; applying style, design and artistic skills to work projects.
COMMUNITY, CHILDHOOD AND FAMILY CARE: Helping individuals with direct needs; providing teaching, coaching, mentoring, or enrichment; or providing healthcare; or other work that improves quality of life for adults or children in the community.
INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Being involved with the development of new products, projects, or businesses or new ideas; or other new and innovative work.
CAREER IDENTITY: Working in a career path that has a clear professional identity, with a tradition of lifelong professional growth, mentoring or apprenticeship; with value placed on experience; and with support and mentoring provided to new workers.
APPLIED MATH, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY: Using technical rules, diagrams and science concepts to understand how things work; applying knowledge to practical work projects.
HANDS-ON SKILLS: Using tools; operating machinery; building or repairing; hands-on skilled work.
CAREER IDENTITY: Working in a career path that has a clear professional identity, with a tradition of lifelong professional growth, mentoring or apprenticeship; with value placed on experience; and with support and mentoring provided to new workers.
ENVIRONMENTAL CARE: Being knowledgeable about and involved with nature, plants, animals, weather, ocean, clean air, clean water, and other aspects of the natural environment.