17% of survey complete.

IPRO is considering adding new features to WhyNotTheBest.

This brief questionnaire will help us plan out new features and new functionality to improve the ways in which WhyNotTheBest serves your quality improvement needs.

Please help us prioritize our activity by rating your interest in the following potential new features:

  • Member Discussions: We propose adding threaded conversation forums ("discussion boards") on various topics for the registered members and staff of WhyNotTheBest. This could facilitate sharing of best practices, discussions around data findings, and help create a communityof practice around quality improvement.
  • Live Chat: We propose adding a live text chat capability to allow instant messaging between WhyNotTheBest staff and registered members.
  • Member Profiles: We propose allowing registered members to create professional profiles, share reports, bookmark other members' reports, and list which measures or improvement activities you are working on.
  • Clinical Data Dashboard & Registry: We propose providing an automated data extraction of pertinent measure data directly from your EHR/EMR into a secure clinical data measures dashboard, useful for disease registries, quality management and reporting. This could also be used for regulatory reporting requirements.
  • Personalized Measure Tracker: We propose adding a simple Web app that allows you to create your own measures, track your own data, and invite other registered members to collaborate on the same measure(s). Automatic run charts would be included. This could be used to track individual quality improvement activities, QIO programs or anything else you want to measure at your location.
  • High-Level Data Summaries/Visualisations: We propose adding user-friendly high-level visualizations of WhyNotTheBest data analyses (full data range only, not individual providers). This would provide summary statistical information regarding each data measure currently published on WhyNotTheBest, such as range, confidence intervals, national averages, and overall trending.
  • Other (please specify): anything you'd like to see added to WhyNotTheBest!