Mobile friendly version of the Force website Question Title * 1. Does the website look good on a mobile phone? Yes No If no, please state why Question Title * 2. Are the options to contact the Force easy to find? Yes No If no, please state why Question Title * 3. Please select the types of information you would access through a mobile phone How to contact the police How to report a crime Find the nearest police station to your location News Current campaigns Information about your neighbourhood Crime prevention advice Frequently asked questions Road saftey advice Job vacancies Crime figures Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. How would you rate the homepage in terms of how user-friendly it is? Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent If poor, please state why Question Title * 5. Did you use the search facility? Yes No, please go to question 7 Question Title * 6. Did you find the information you were searching for? Yes No If no, please state what you looking for? Question Title * 7. Overall, how does the website compare with other mobile websites you access? Very well About the same Not very well If 'Not very well' was selected please state why Done