1. Introduction--Centurion 2013 Holiday Success Index

Dear Prestige Fine Jewelry Retailer,

Each week between now and the end of the year, The Centurion will conduct a quick Spot-Check survey of top fine jewelry stores to gauge how business is trending. This week's survey covers sales from November 23 through December 1, incorporating the beginning of Hanukkah, Black Friday, and Small Business Saturday.

Getting a feel for how colleagues are performing is a great benefit to top-level fine jewelers nationwide. Survey results will be reported anonymously in the aggregate each week. We very much appreciate your participation to benefit all better jewelry retailers and Centurion invitees.

Best regards,

Howard Hauben
The Centurion

Question Title

* 1. Your store name (this will be kept confidential):

Question Title

* 2. How do you feel your business performed last week through Sunday, December 1?

Question Title

* 3. This week included the beginning of Hanukkah, Black Friday, and Small Business Saturday. Do you feel any of these factors helped your sales? If so, which?