About this survey

12% of survey complete.
The UK Plant Sciences Federation (UKPSF) is undertaking a report on the status of plant science in the UK. The aims of the report are to identify the key challenges for UK plant science to address and, to carry out an assessment of the roles, requirements and capacity of this sector in meeting the challenges identified. The outcomes will be articulated to government, policy-makers and funders, with recommendations on how future policy development can best support the UK plant science community in meeting the challenges ahead.

This purpose of this survey is to collect information from those working in or affiliated with plant sciences within the UK, which will contribute to the evidence presented in the report. Survey participants may be involved in research, industry, education, outreach, policy, or end-users; however they must work in the UK or be associated with a UK-based organisation.

The survey should take between 10 and 30 minutes to complete.

Information provided in this survey will not be attributed to individual respondents or the organisation they work for.

The UKPSF is a Special Interest Group of the Society of Biology which brings together 30 member organisations from across the breadth of UK plant sciences to provide a coordinated approach to research, industry, education and outreach. For more information please visit www.plantsci.org.uk or www.societyofbiology.org/aboutus/special-interest-groups/ukpsf.

If you have any questions relating to this survey please contact mimitanimoto@societyofbiology.org