Michael Josephson's Poster A-Z - The Ideal Employee -- lists 26 characteristics. Rate yourself on each of these characteristics and then add up your total score. We've also provided a place for you to explain, protest or suggest other characteristics that you think are important. This is just for fun but it will be more fun if you are really, really honest.

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* 1. Gender:

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* 2. Age

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* 3. Primary occupation (if retired, before retirement)

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* 4. Please indicate how you would rate yourself on each of the A-Z characteristics of an ideal employee in your present job. If you are not a current employee rate yourself in the job you held the longest.

  5 - Excellent 4 - Good, could be better 3 - Adequate, really could be better 2 - Not good, should be better 1 - Poor, a serious deficiency
Accepts responsibility
Believes in the mission
Committed to improvement
Demonstrates good character
Eliminates waste
Fixes rather than complains
Goes the extra mile
Holds the company accountable
Is honest and responsible
Juggles multiple tasks
Knows what is needed
Loves to do a job well
Makes everyone better
Never gossips
Obtains needed resources
Prods company to be better
Quells negativity
Respects chain of command
Shares ideas and enthusiasm
Treats everyone with respect
Understands practical realities
Values integrity and ethics
Willingly pitches in
Xpects to be treated with respect
Yields when wrong
Zeros in on what’s important

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* 5. Explanations or Justifications: Please add any explanations or justifications of the above scoring.

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* 6. Other characteristics of an ideal employee that you think are important. Please list them.

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* 7. YOUR SCORE: Review your answers above and add up your score - 5 for Excellent, 4 for Good, 3 for Adequate 2 for Needs Improvement and 1 for Serious deficiency. Indicate your score below:

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* 8. EXTRA CREDIT - Purely optional. These questions have nothing to do with the self-assessment but with your relationship to the Character Counts and What Will Matter blogs and Facebook pages. It should take less than 2 minutes and your responses will help us make some important decisions. If you prefer, just skip to the bottom of the survey and submit it. Thanks for participating.

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* 9. How did you come to find this survey?

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* 10. On average, how often do you read posts by either Character Counts! or Michael Josephson/What Will Matter? or Michael Josephson on LinkedIn?

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* 11. Do you subscribe to either the What Will Matter mobile app for smart phones or the weekly e-mail of the Commentaries and Quotes?

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* 12. On average, how often do you forward a posting from the Facebook pages or blogs to someone else?

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* 13. On average, how would you rate the value or quality of the posts you read?

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* 14. Did you know the Josephson Institute is a charitable nonprofit organization dependent on donations?

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* 15. Have you ever donated to the Institute?

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* 16. The Institute is under substantial financial stress at this time and may have to discontinue many of its free services including the regular postings and the newsletter. If it became necessary, which of the following would you be willing to do: (you can check more than one option)

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* 17. If you are willing to be on our mailing list for special offers and other communications, please provide the following information