1. Registration for UUCB Budget Review Session

These sessions (both identical) will either be in person (May 14) or by phone and computer* (May 16), and are for those who would like to know more about the budget that will be submitted to the UUCB congregation for approval on May 17. We will cover information about each department at UUCB, where our revenues come from, and the risks and opportunities. May 14 starts at 7:30 pm and will go no later than 8:45. May 16 starts at 2:00 pm and will go no later than 3:15.

*Computer is not required -- you can also print out the materials and follow along.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate which of the following dates you would prefer. You will be sent materials and instructions prior to the session.

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* 2. Please provide:

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* 3. Is there anything you need to tell us?