Thank you very much for completing this survey. Your responses will be aggregated with all of the other responses; your individual responses will NOT be visible in the survey results.

Question Title

* 1. Did your services to AEC businesses increase, decrease, or remain the same in the first quarter of 2014?

Question Title

* 2. Did your services to non-AEC businesses increase, decrease, or stay the same in the first quarter of 2014?

Question Title

* 3. How did business perform in each of these areas during the first quarter of 2014?

  Increased Decreased Stayed the Same N/A
Large-format B&W printing/copying
Large-format color printing
Equipment sales
3D printing
Color CAD printing
Small-format printing/copying
On-site services (FM)

Question Title

* 4. Where are you located?

Question Title


Question Title

* 5. If you would like to receive a copy of the results of the survey, please complete the information below.