The SMiLE (Social Media in the Large Enterprise) Index helps you assess where your organisation is on its journey towards a collaborative internal social network.
Are your colleagues co-creating across the silos or are they stifled by the hierarchy? How do you show your boss that you are behind the curve and losing the competitive advantage that an employee social network can give you?

So far 46 organisations have completed the Index Questionnaire, which takes about 10 minutes. The boffins here at simply-communicate will translate your scores into a place on the Index so you can see how you are doing against your peers.

See whether yours is in the AGILE Zone - the area where organisations are truly collaborative, helping themselves to adapt to new market conditions through rapid and constant innovation - because they talk to each other more and share ideas more readily.

The SMiLE index is created and managed by The project is supported by Engage for Success - the movement committed to the idea that there is a better way to work. Engage for Success are launching a Digital Network dedicated to applying new social enterprise tools in the quest for building employee engagement.