Question Title

* 1. Name of your present science course:

Question Title

* 2. What level is your present science course:

Question Title

* 3. What level of Biology did you take last year?

Question Title

* 4. Using a range of 1 to 5, please evaluate how well your science courses prepared you to answer questions about the following science topics, where 1= least prepared and 5= best prepared.
CAPT Experiments

  1 2 3 4 5
1. Acid Rain (Which type of stone is best for a monument or statue?)
2. Polymers/Plastics (Tensile Strength, Abrasion Resistance, Puncture Resistance)
3. Solar Energy (Can Lab / Solar cooker Experiment)
4. Enzymes (Apple Juice Experiment)
5. Population Growth (Yeast Growth Experiment)

Question Title

* 5. Using a range of 1 to 5, please evaluate how well your science courses prepared you to answer questions about the following science topics, where 1= least prepared and 5= best prepared.
Science, Technology, and Society Applications

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6. Alternative Energy Sources & Energy Use in Connecticut
7. Land/water pollution - Brownfields
8. Bio-Engineered Food
9. Human Population Growth

Question Title

* 6. Using a range of 1 to 5, please evaluate how well your science courses prepared you to answer questions about the following science topics, where 1= least prepared and 5= best prepared.
Science Content

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10. Biology - Cells, Biotechnology
11. Biology - Genetics, Evolution, Biodiversity
12. Chemistry - Atomic structure, Periodic Table
13. Chemistry - Chemical reactions, Chemical bonding
13a.Chemistry - Carbon chemistry
14. Environmental Issues - Acid Rain, Greenhouse Effect, Water pollution
15. Environmental Issues - Recycling, Natural resources
16. Cycles - carbon cycle, water cycle, rock cycle (matter through magma & solid earth)
17. Energy - types and how energy is transferred
18. Electricity and Magnetism

Question Title

* 7. Using a range of 1 to 5, please evaluate how well your science courses prepared you to answer questions about the following science topics, where 1= least prepared and 5= best prepared.
Designing and Conducting CAPT Style Experiments

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19. Clearly state the problem to be investigated and the hypothesis.
20. Identify independent and dependent variables.
21. Design and experiment that matches the stated problem and write a procedure that is clearly stated and is replicable.
22. Know how to include an appropriate control in an experiment and how to hold constant variables other than the independent variable.
23. Organize experimental data and present this data in an appropriate manner.
24. Draw conclusions and cite data to support these conclusions.
25. Evaluate the reliability and validity of data and make recommendations to eliminate errors.

Question Title

* 8. Using a range of 1 to 5, please evaluate how well your science courses prepared you to answer questions about the following science topics, where 1= least prepared and 5= best prepared.
Scientifiic Literacy and Numeracy

  1 2 3 4 5
26. Evaluate how credible various sources of information are.
27. Read graphs and charts and correctly interpret their meaning.

Question Title

* 9. How can we improve our science courses to better prepare you for the Science CAPT?

Question Title

* 10. What techniquest and/or lessons were particularly helpful in preparing you for the Science CAPT?