Question Title

* 1. (optional) What is your name?

Question Title

* 2. What is the grade level of your oldest child attending IA?

Question Title

* 3. What is the grade level of your second oldest child attending IA?

Question Title

* 4. What is the grade level of your third child attending IA?

Question Title

* 5. What is the grade level of your fourth child attending IA?

Innovations Academy believes strongly in purposeful learning. Our students are participating in high quality academic projects that engage professional experts, field study and authentic inquiry. Additionally they all participate in Writer's Workshop and a structured Math Program.

For blended learning, our students have used ST Math (grades 1-8), Zingy Science (grades 4-8) and RazKids (grades 1-2), Lexia (remediation).
Enrichment classes vary by year. This school year we have included P.E., Media Arts, Ceramic Art (4-6), Math through Dance (K-5)

Assessment structures include Student Led Conferences, Multiple Exhibitions, Presentations of Learning, formative teacher observations, portfolio work, some traditional testing in upper grades, The Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) and report cards.

Question Title

* 6. What would be the best way for us to communicate with you about your child's progress?

Question Title

* 7. The best way for the school to help me understand and support my child to learn is...

On a scale of 1-4, where 1 = fully disagree and 4 = fully agree, please respond to these statements (choose "no opinion" when appropriate or "not applicable" if you do not have experience with this or it does not apply to you). Add any comments that you think would help us improve as a school.

Question Title

* 8. I used API scores when I was looking for a school for my child

Question Title

* 9. I feel that my child's current test scores are a valid indicator of his/her future success

Question Title

* 10. I feel that state testing (STAR, CAASPP) are of value to my child's education and learning.

Question Title

* 11. (eldest child at IA) I feel my child is achieving academically at IA.

Question Title

* 12. (second child) I feel my child is achieving academically at IA.

Question Title

* 13. (third child) I feel my child is achieving academically at IA.

Question Title

* 14. (fourth child) I feel my child is achieving academically at IA.

Question Title

* 15. Innovations Academy uses inquiry based learning as a foundation for academics. I feel the projects have been academically challenging.

Question Title

* 16. Innovations has begun using blended learning to support academics. This means that students learn, at least in part, through online delivery of content (ST MATH, Zingy Science, RazKids, Lexia). I support the use of technology in this way.

Question Title

* 17. If English is a second language for your child, do you feel that their work at IA is helping them make progress to becoming a fluent English Language Learner (reading, speaking, writing)?


Attendance and punctuality are significant factors contributing to the success of a child in school. It is a challenge for us to leverage the support of all families in this area. Currently we make calls home daily to all families of students marked absent. We also provide short term independent study contracts so students can complete work at home when they are unable to attend school.

Question Title

* 18. Innovations effectively addresses attendance and absenteeism.

Question Title

* 19. (eldest child) My child looks forward to going to school.

Question Title

* 20. (second child) My child looks forward to going to school.

Question Title

* 21. (third child) My child looks forward to going to school.

Question Title

* 22. (fourth child) My child looks forward to going to school.

Question Title

* 23. (eldest child) My child feels safe at school.

Question Title

* 24. (second child) My child feels safe at school.

Question Title

* 25. (third child) My child feels safe at school.

Question Title

* 26. (fourth child) My child feels safe at school.


Question Title

* 27. IA works with parents as partners in their child's education

Question Title

* 28. The social emotional program at IA is beneficial for the students.

Question Title

* 29. (eldest child) My child knows more about their strengths due to the effort of IA staff.

Question Title

* 30. (second child) My child knows more about their strengths due to the effort of IA staff.

Question Title

* 31. (third child) My child knows more about their strengths due to the effort of IA staff.

Question Title

* 32. (fourth child) My child knows more about their strengths due to the effort of IA staff.

Question Title

* 33. (eldest child) My child has improved in the area of public speaking due to the program at IA.

Question Title

* 34. (second child) My child has improved in the area of public speaking due to the program at IA.

Question Title

* 35. (third child) My child has improved in the area of public speaking due to the program at IA.

Question Title

* 36. (fourth child) My child has improved in the area of public speaking due to the program at IA.

Question Title

* 37. (eldest child) My child has been engaged as a creative learner at IA.

Question Title

* 38. (second child) My child has been engaged as a creative learner at IA.

Question Title

* 39. (third child) My child has been engaged as a creative learner at IA.

Question Title

* 40. (fourth child) My child has been engaged as a creative learner at IA.

Question Title

* 41. (eldest child) My child feels that they have a voice in their learning at IA.

Question Title

* 42. (second child) My child feels that they have a voice in their learning at IA.

Question Title

* 43. (third child) My child feels that they have a voice in their learning at IA.

Question Title

* 44. (fourth child) My child feels that they have a voice in their learning at IA.


Question Title

* 45. I have a say in my child(ren)'s education at IA.

Question Title

* 46. I have opportunities to communicate with my child(ren)'s teacher(s) in a way that works for me.

Question Title

* 47. There are ample opportunities for family participation at IA.

Question Title

* 48. I feel invited to attend student led conferences, presentations of learning and exhibition nights.

Question Title

* 49. I know what to do if I have a complaint or concern.


Question Title

* 50. Teachers at IA are highly qualified and dedicated.

Question Title

* 51. The curriculum is engaging and challenging.

Question Title

* 52. The school facilities are in good condition.

Question Title

* 53. The school staff seems to care about my child(ren)'s well being.

Question Title

* 54. IA provides adequate instructional supplies to support student learning.


Question Title

* 55. IA is implementing the Common Core State Standards for all students.

Question Title

* 56. IA provides a broad course of study for all students.

Question Title

* 57. IA is adequately preparing students for high school.

Question Title

* 58. IA is addressing all core areas of content (Math, Social Studies, Science, Language Arts)

Question Title

* 59. Please share any comments, suggeestions etc. that you have that would help us improve our school.

Thank you very much for taking the time to help us understand your needs and perspective.