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* 1. What is your name (you can leave this blank if you would prefer)

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* 2. What are the main reasons you signed up for the Natural Super Kids ecourse?

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* 3. Did the course meet your expectations?

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* 4. How did you find the videos in the program?

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* 5. How did you find the tasks in the program?

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* 6. What improvements would you suggest to the course? Is there any topic that wasn't covered that you would like to learn about or more detailed information in an area we did cover? Are there any resources I could add to improve the program?

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* 7. What were your favourite parts of the course?

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* 8. Which tasks or learnings did you find most useful in Natural Super Kids?

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* 9. Would you be likely to sign up for any of the following more specific programs?

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* 10. In a sentence or two tell me the positive outcomes you got from Natural Super Kids (add your name to give me permission to use this in future promotions of the program)