14% of survey complete.
Introduction to the survey
The main goal of this survey is to define recommendatoins for joint EU-India research that are supported widely by the stakeholders involved in the biobased economy. The survey is composed out of the currently selected R&D recommendations for common EU-India research in the field of biobased economy. After the first identification page, you will find all recommendations organized in 4 blocks, covering a specific field of the biobased economy, being:

- Biomass production (with subthemes: biodiversity and tapping genetic resources, agricultural production and intensification, and blue economy/algae)
- By-products/waste (with subthemes: waste reduction, monitoring and collection, and waste conversion into added value products)
- Biorefineries (with subthemes: new biorefinery concepts, second and third generation biorefineries, improved biochemical and thermochemical conversion processes)
- Policy, market, products (with subthemes: policy/sustainability, markets/poducts, research and public awareness/capacity building).

In each block, you have the possibility to use at most 3 votes to indicate which R&D recommendations you consider the most important for the EU-India collaboration in this specific field.
In addition, we also ask you some additional identification information to be used only for statistical processing of the data. The fields indicated by * are obligatory fields/questions.
Based on the information received and the inputs from additional stakeholders, we will select 1 key-recommendation in each field. Sahyog will present these 4 key-recommendations to the European Commission and DBT for joint EU-India research in the field of bio-economy.
The survey closes at 31/05/2014.

Question Title

* Personal/company details (only * is required)

Question Title

* Function/position:

Question Title

* Type of organisation:

Question Title

* Sector: