On June 20th we are tearing out 80 square meters of pavement at St. Anthony Catholic School and installing plants and flowers in their place.

In order for Ecology Ottawa to run all of our events, we rely on volunteers to come out and help out with everything from ripping up asphalt, to watching kids to lending equipment.

Volunteering for the Depave Paradise Project is a lot of fun, and opportunities are available for folks of all ages. And yes, volunteering for this event can count towards your high school volunteer requirement!

If you would like to volunteer, PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING FORM and we will touch base with you shortly. This will greatly help us coordinate. Even if you cannot volunteer, we also need to borrow equipment for this project, so fill out the survey and see if there's is anything you can lend for a day.

If you have any questions about volunteering, please contact Stu Campana at
stu.campana@ecologyottawa.ca or 289-244-2733.

Question Title

* 1. Are you willing to help with Ecology Ottawa's Depave Paradise Project?