
In light of the upcoming federal election this survey is an opportunity for you to share the most important priorities for the rural Ontario community you are most familiar with. This "snapshot" will help the Rural Ontario Institute (ROI) formulate questions for local federal candidates and their parties.

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* 1. What part of Ontario are you from?

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* 2. Are you an employee or affiliated with any one of the following organization types....

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* 3. A range of concerns are listed below crossing a spectrum of economic, environmental and social matters. On a scale of 1 to 5 rank each concern regarding how much of a priority this matter should have with respect to the rural communities you are most familiar with. A ranking of 1 signifies you believe it is of the highest priority and a ranking of 5 suggests it is currently a relatively low priority. Select N/A if you believe the matter is not a concern that currently needs attention. ROI will formulate "questions of rural importance" for federal candidates and parties based on the top ranked priorities.

  1 Highest Priority 2 3 4 5 Lowest Priority N/A Doesn't require any attention
Access to childcare
Poverty and income disparity
Addictions and/or mental illness
Species at risk/loss of biodiversity
Health promotion, active living and availability of recreational opportunities
Performance of key sectors - e.g manufacturing sector competitiveness/productivity
Improved broadband services - higher speed, wider access
Resource management policies - e.g fracking, tax credits
Youth employment/underemployment
Climate change - fossil fuel reduction
Protection of ag. supply management in trade negotiations
Support for primary industries e.g. mining, farming, forestry
First Nations - improved education, health and social services
Developing local food systems
Managing lake levels - Great Lakes agreements
Intergovernmental transfers for health care
Water quantity/supply for drinking, irrigation
Success of international/inter-provincial trade deals
Municipal financial stability (intergovernmental transfers and/or taxation powers)
Electoral reform
Farmland loss/protection
Food security
Invasive species
Protecting parks and wilderness
Labour force development - workforce skills shortages
Regulatory burden on the private sector
Newcomer attraction/retention
Housing affordability
Services for aging population: aging in place/home care/housing
Youth out-migration/retention
Movement of goods: investment in rail, harbours, airports, highway infrastructure
Water quality in lakes, streams, rivers
Improving public transportation services
Renewable energy production - e.g. wind, solar
Climate change - adaptation
Financing for infrastructure (local sewer/water and roads)
Crime - law enforcement
Availability of community data (e.g. census or labour force survey)
Access to quality medical services nearby
Business support - access to capital, incubators, succession, entrepreneurship
Nuclear energy and waste disposal
Tourism promotion
Access to post-secondary education/training
Volunteerism/civic engagement, capacity of non-profits
Other - please explain below...

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Thanks for taking the time to fill out this survey!

Thanks for taking the time to fill out this survey!