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* 1. How professional was your recruiter at our company?

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* 2. How knowledgeable was your recruiter about our company?

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* 3. How clearly did your recruiter explain the details of the job to you?

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* 4. Did you feel that your recruiter spent too much time, too little time ,or about the right amount of time speaking with you?

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* 5. How clearly did your recruiter explain the rest of the recruiting process following your interview?

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* 6. How quickly did your recruiter reply to your e-mails?

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* 7. How quickly did your recruiter return your phone calls?

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* 8. Overall, were you satisfied or dissatisfied with the recruiting process at our company?

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* 9. How did you first learn about the job opening at our company?

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* 10. What can we do to improve the recruiting process at our company?

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* 11. How likely is it that you would recommend your recruiter to a friend or colleague?

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