
Question Title

* 1. The follow up is when we collect the decision but it can be very frustrating

  Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
I never try to get a specific time for follow up
I try to set a follow-up, sometimes they agree
I always try to set a specific follow up
If they won't set a follow up, I don't bother
When I do set a follow up, they rarely show up
I would love to know how to set follow up & have prospect show up
I would love to learn how to teach my people to get a solid follow up
Knowing how to get the prospect to tell me 'yes' to a follow up and show up would be a huge improvement.
I find getting blown off for appointments discouraging

Question Title

* 2. Duplication is often 'blamed' on others.....what do you think, pick one

Question Title

* 3. Help us pin-point your needs for yourself, your team

  Must have it Strongly agree Agree Somewhat agree disagree strongly disagree
I'd like to improve my coaching skills
I'd like to know how to recruit rejection free
I want to learn how to present so that people join
I want to learn how to control the prospecting situations
Look, I'd like a prospect to say yes but even no is OK, I am just sick and tired of being jerked around.
I'd like individual courses on each of these
I'd like a 90 course that covers all of the above.

Question Title

* 4. How would you like trainings? Pick one

Question Title

* 5. To be elegible for the drawing.....over 300 bucks in Training CDs and workbooks, all my notes fill in at least the top 2 so we can contact you....we'll do so only if you win.