Welcome to the Second National Survey of Undergraduate Teaching in Ageing and Geriatric Medicine.
This survey is based around the British Geriatrics Society's recommended curriculum for medical undergraduates. This was derived through a series of consensus meetings amongst geriatricians, sociologists, biogerontologists and gerontechnologists regarding what should be taught to medical undergraduates about ageing. We have mapped the agreed learning outcomes to the GMC Tomorrow's Doctors document and a curriculum map can be provided on request.
Because the survey is wide-ranging, it is unlikely that all of the outcomes surveyed will be taught by one professional or specialty group within a medical school. We understand that identifying the relevant teachers may take some time, however we would appreciate your assistance in trying to do so as it will enable us to establish a compehensive overview of the subject.
We piloted the questionnaire in Nottingham where we noted that biological and social aspects were well covered but that we had deficiencies in other areas, for example teaching on the grading and management of pressure sores. We have tried to respond honestly so that the deficiencies of our teaching can be identified and we request that other respondents are similarly objective and avoid the temptation to try to look good or to be overly critical.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr Adam Gordon via email: adamgordon@nottingham.ac.uk
Thank you in anticipation of your assistance.