Participant Information and Informed Consent

2% of survey complete.
This research project explores people's relationship with debt. Your participation in this research is important because it will provide an understanding of what factors influence Australians ability to use and manage different types of debt.

Your participation in the research will involve completion of a survey form consisting of debt related questions and demographical data required for analytical purposes, not to identify you. The survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete, depending on your answers.

When completing the survey, please read all the instructions before selecting your answer. As you complete the survey, be honest and remember that there is no right or wrong answer.

Participation in this research is voluntary, and you can discontinue participation at any stage without penalty or the need to provide an explanation. Your decision will in no way impact upon your relationship with the researcher.

As a thank you for taking the time to complete survey, participants can elect at the end of the survey to enter into a prize draw with the chance to win one of five $100 Coles Group & Myer gift cards. The competition opens to entries on 20 September 2012 and the competition closes on 1 November 2012. The competition winners will be drawn on 5 November 2012. Winners will be notified via email by 12 November 2012.

The complete 'participant information' is provided on the link below.

Please tick ONE of the following options.

Question Title


By ticking 'Agree' box below, you are indicating that you:
- Have read the Participant Information;
- Have consented to the research;
- Understand that you can withdraw from the survey at any time without comment or penalty;
- Are over 18 years of age;
- Are an Australian resident;
- Understand that all times your responses will be confidential and in no way you will be able to be identified through them; and
- Understand that you can contact the researcher or supervisors if you have any questions about the research