RCPS is seeking feedback on a potential option to make up the valuable instructional time that has been lost due to past inclement weather and will be lost due to the upcoming weather event tomorrow. It is entirely likely and probable that RCPS students will be faced with the loss of an additional three instructional days due to this latest storm. Obviously, this could not be known at the time we designated our February winter intersession days as snow make-up days.

Due to the fact that we may now be facing the possibility of seven lost instructional days to our shortened school calendar, we are seeking staff, parent, and community input on a potential option to add approximately 30 minutes to the end of each school day for the rest of this school year to effectively recover these valuable lost instructional minutes. This option will result in the full winter intersession next week being restored as well as the March 14th Professional Learning Day. To be clear, with this option, students and teachers will not be in school next week for the February intersession.

Question Title

* 1. Do you support adding approximately 30 minutes at the end of each school day for the remainder of the school year to effectively make up lost instructional time?