RCP Survey: Microsoft CEO

Redmond Channel Partner, the independent voice of the Microsoft channel community, wants your opinions about Microsoft’s blockbuster executive and boardroom moves on Tuesday, Feb. 4.

Responses will be used in aggregate and verbatim comments will be considered anonymous unless we contact you for permission to quote you in an upcoming article on RCPmag.com or in Redmond Channel Partner magazine (See request for permission to contact you on the last question).

Individual responses will not be shared with Microsoft or anyone other than RCP editors.

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* 1. Describe your partner level in the Microsoft Partner Network:

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* 2. What's your overall impression of Microsoft's direction?

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* 3. What’s your view of Microsoft’s choice of Satya Nadella as CEO?

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* 4. Who was your first choice to replace Steve Ballmer?

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* 5. What should Satya Nadella’s top priorities be at Microsoft?

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* 6. What do you think Satya Nadella needs to do to energize the Microsoft channel?

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* 7. What’s your view of the timing of Steve Ballmer stepping down as CEO?

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* 8. Bill Gates is stepping down as chairman, but will remain on the board and spend more time at Microsoft advising Satya Nadella. What do you think of the move?

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* 9. What’s your view of Microsoft’s choice of John Thompson as Chairman?

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* 10. Now that Microsoft’s new leadership team is in place, how are you feeling as a partner about Microsoft’s future prospects?

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* 11. Please tell us about yourself

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* 12. Is it OK if a Redmond Channel Partner magazine editor contacts you about your responses for an upcoming article?